
Could be worse. Could have been a clip from a Donald Trump speech.

Right?! The stick is just for dipping.

Chop it up into pieces, eat without beard goo. Voilà!

I’ve already eaten one prepackaged caramel apple this season, and I guarantee it won’t be the last. Fuck it.

I came to say THE EXACT SAME THING. Maybe he’s an apologist for those nasty-ass candy apples.

which are not that good anyway

It’s the lighting in the photo.

Sometimes, Youtube comments hit that sweet spot.

But, but, but....I thought women were the weaker sex. Where’d this strength come from all of a sudden?

For a woman always possesses sufficient power, by the drawing back of her limbs, and the force of her hands, to prevent the insertion of the penis into her body.

This is perfect, actually :) I’m just an amateur in the kitchen (though I do manage to whip up some super tasty foods on the reg) and this works out great - enough deets to tell me what I’m doing, but also room to play with things a little. I shall try this out soon, maybe when the MIL is visiting later this month! :)

I’m a little unhappy I had to go grey for standing up for “whitey.” Not the hill I wanted to die on :)

I had the same birth defect, albeit as a woman. This is the first time outside of medical circles I’ve ever heard of someone having this issue, so I’m actually a little excited.

Although...poor dude. I went through so much with this defect as a woman; I can’t even imagine the difficulties men face, especially ones his

“It is what it is” is another one that is worthless and drives me crazy.

Ok, I seriously need this recipe because that looks amazeballs. Mius the brussels sprouts (we really don’t do those here) but I’m sure I could substitute a different veggie.

Uh because she was condescending as shit? Don’t tell women what to put in their vaginas to soak up their menstrual blood EVER.

No. I bleed like a stuck pig + clots for texture. Trying to maneuver a full menstrual cup in a public restroom is grosser than gross. We all have to deal with life’s hurdles in our own way.

No. A “trigger warning” means, “I am going to teach X this term, and X might be traumatizing or otherwise upsetting if you have experienced Y before.” Censorship is not bothering to teach X at all.

“I have no idea what that means, and I suspect he doesn’t either,” Obama said.