I’m really sorry that’s been your experience. I say that sincerely, not in a “shitty stranger in a snarky internet forum” kind of way. I wish people were better than that. Many, many people are, but the ones who aren’t can really cause some damage.
I’m really sorry that’s been your experience. I say that sincerely, not in a “shitty stranger in a snarky internet forum” kind of way. I wish people were better than that. Many, many people are, but the ones who aren’t can really cause some damage.
That hasn’t been my experience. Directness works for me.
I lived in Cleveland for 13 years after moving there to attend Lee. Worked at the International Offices for 6.5 of those years. I’m out now; I’m glad you are, too. Please keep writing.
“Sometimes they were raped. Sometimes the child they intended to give to their married sister really was stillborn, which was very common in a world of sickly mothers and few medical interventions. And if they submitted their innocent bodies to legal inspection—the physician would likely find whatever he expected to…
I’m the absolute worst about using recipes - I’m a chef and tend to do a lot of off-the-cuff-ness, as is the case here. :/ But I’m happy to tell you what I did! Apologies in advance if I over- or under-explain...
No.... no. Sorry. I’m reading that you’re making this a gender issue, when, in reality, it’s a simple communication/assertiveness issue. Because:
““Let me tell you something, Miss Cyrus,” Trump probably said. “I have a lot of respect for a woman who uses her tongue that liberally.”
“That those morally reprehensible comments were considered perfectly fine for the family to be on TV but god forbid one of them actually act in a way that was morally reprehensible is a travesty.”
Would you mind sharing links? Not being snarky at all.. the idea of this makes my eyes bleed but I haven’t seen it posted anywhere else, after a cursory Google search..
Yes! Why was (is!) store-brand mac and cheese always better?
She’s a - I’m not even sure how to describe her. She’s a dumbass who thinks she’s some kind of food scientist/activist, who plants, fuels, and then preys on peoples’ unfounded fears of food ingredients and production. You are missing absolutely nothing.
Thanks! But not everyone feels similarly... (fans the air)
omg. forever.
You know what sucks? When I first heard about this change, I was like “ooh, okay, must try, will yum, whee!”
I figured as much.. seen enough of your posts to know you’re not a dick. Thanks for the confirmation. :)
I am so heartsick over this shit, and you just made me guffaw and restored my snark a little. Thank thee.
I was shaky after reading this, and those gifs genuinely made me feel better. Thanks.
Fuck that, dude. If she HAD shoved weed in her vagina to hide it, you know what? It still would’ve been there if the cops had taken her in and searched her inside a building instead of shoving their body parts into hers ON THE SIDE OF THE GODDAMN ROAD.
Shut the fuck up on this shit, people who oppose paid leave. When do we finally get sick of trusting the untrustworthy to get their fucking house in order? THEY. WON’T. The rest of the goddamn PLANET has this shit on lock. DO IT. *eye twitch*