
“It isn’t the paradise everyone seems to assume for us?”

Dear CeeLo,

One of the worst drunken college decisions I made was to float around in the Gulf of Mexico for hours with friends on big floatie tubes, dranks in hand. Before we’d realized it, we’d floated a good two miles down the coast and had to drunkenly stagger back to our stuff. This resulted in second- and third-degree

Seriously... as though that would be any kind of defense or absolution if it were true. “Oh, it’s not illegal to be a rapist if you’re married to your victim? THIS IS A CLEAR INDICATION OF STELLAR CHARACTER, THEN.”

Yes. This. The number of times I’ve bolted out of bed because a branch hit my window. The fact that I rearranged my kitchen to put the fridge in front of the back door so I could sleep. That I alarmed my entire house from top to bottom. It makes me laugh a little now that I finally felt a little secure when I locked

Yes. Thank you for sharing this. Your story resonates.

Yeah... and her “nuttiness” wouldn’t have anything to do with her being an alleged victim of rape, right? If anything, her instability indicates credibility.

No. Nothing about your reaction to your experience is crazy. Everyone’s different.

It’s amazing how people who share an experience might rally in a forum focused on that experience. WOW SUCH AMAZE INNAWEBZ

Yes, as the empty chair illustrates. It’s momentarily overwhelming to see so many of them in one place. As it should be.

I don’t.

This made me burst into tears. Seeing them all in one space...

Same here (on all counts? please, Pinkham? Grey so sad.)

To be honest, I’ve tried to watch “Reign,” and I kind of hate it.

Personally, I doubt it. Cosby sounds, to me, like he operates under the classic “Madonna/whore” view of women. Camille Camille’s on a pedestal; she’’s the one he comes home to, the one who sacrifices herself for his demons, while other women are disposable.

Trust, friend. I was skeptical of coffee + mint for the LONGEST, but I am not exaggerating when I say that since the first time I tried the combo, I’ve added a drop of peppermint oil to my coffee since.

YUUUUP. The fact that anyone takes this “change of heart” seriously is laughable to me. The fact that anyone thinks there’s anything genuine about this total about-face, in front of cameras and an audience, is the real deal is just - I can’t even make a real sentence about it, obviously.

Thank you. I really appreciate you saying that.

I just like girl ass.

Okay, is this A Place To Ask This? - what the fuck is that 500-Days-Of-Who-The-Fuck-Is-She? I get irritated every time I see it on Gawker. I actually just clicked one for the first time to see whether it was explained before asking this question. Why are we following this woman around and not, like, an adorable baby