Listen. I'm a big ol' fat girl, and even I don't have enough dermal real estate to justify all.those.creams. Seriously... where do you put them all? Nevermind, oh god.
Listen. I'm a big ol' fat girl, and even I don't have enough dermal real estate to justify all.those.creams. Seriously... where do you put them all? Nevermind, oh god.
ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh UGH UGH UGH UGH ugh... uuuugh... *gives way to completely skeeved-out sobs*
Go away, Food Babe. For reals.
You got someone pregnant, then watched her be pregnant.
You got someone pregnant and then watched her be pregnant.
Jesus, that Wiki page is an incredibly obnoxious read. One-third info, two-thirds narcissistic I-got-famous-too-quick self-penned teenager soap opera.
Yeah, in lots of higher-end or generally hoity places, they require you to change at work because otherwise you're coming into contact with food while wearing clothing that's been in contact with God knows what. There may be other reasons, too, but that's the only reason I've ever been in personal contact with. Seems…
I'm sorry if this has already been asked/answered, and if it's easier, please feel free to point me toward answers rather than answering all over again... But is there actually a chance this "rape must be reported to police before allowing an abortion" thing could become law? I was raped two years ago and terminated…
People DO often tip their delivery drivers. Not always, but often.
Again, you are wrong. Restaurant culture DOES have a concrete set of standards by which people should tip. I listed them in my first comment - you know, my "tipping opinions" as they relate to SERVERS in restaurants whose pay is adjusted to account for tips, not McDonald's counter workers who receive a higher (still…
No point in continuing this discussion; we disagree and we both feel strongly. Bully for you, your tipping habits are "entirely up to you," yes. But I notice you don't engage at all with how your standards of "great" service are totally arbitrary. It's a reality that many things that would appeal to you might turn off…
Respectfully: No. As I stated, tipping 20% is an ingrained part of American restaurant culture. It is a standard part of paying your bill. If you choose to abstain from participation in the culture, that's absolutely your right, but it is not your right to participate in the culture only as far as your standards of…
Seriously, all the classic FOH/BOH tensions aside.. I will straight up cut a bitch for abusing my servers. It sucks that the server was new and didn't know the protocol; that's management's fault, not the server's. Any douchedrip who acts like his entire goddamn week was ruined because waaaaaah I didn't get the…
You are a gigantic fucking dickwad.
In this instance, Texas is, sadly, acting like the lowest common denominator. Doesn't take much effort on anyone's part to paint them as such.
I still think you're missing the point.
I still think you're missing the point.
I still think you're missing the point.
I still think you're missing the point.
Yes. Next time, try it with a little garlic salt or garlic powder. Sooo-hooo-hoooo good.