
I think people are blowing the "75%" thing way out of proportion. Pretty sure she didn't do the math, and I'm pretty sure the "incorrectness" of the math plays into the point she was trying to make: sometimes the emotional connection of the moment trumps the precision of a note. Obviously, one should strive to hit the

I seriously just shared this with like ten people, at least four of whom I know will punch me directly in the nipple for sharing it with them. This is just, I mean, holy, just... god damn.

Totally read that as "Monica Lewinsky boobs." Was confused. Saw the later pic of her head. Was like, "But no boobs to compare?" Thennnnnn I got it.

God, she is just determined to SPREAD HER LEGS AS WIDE AS INHUMANLY POSSIBLE in every single picture. Just... Jesus, lady. "Thigh gap," not "train tunnel."

Yes. My current boss has ZERO sense of boundary; I friended her on FB before realizing it. I've been FB friends with previous bosses without any issue at all, but now, I realize that I was extremely lucky. No more boss-friending ever. ever. ever again for me. Coworkers, either. Just no.

Sigh. Don't be a dick, Emeril. That makes me sad. Sorry he was shitty to you.

I don't know... I've met Emeril several times and had the pleasure of cooking for him and eating with him at one of the restaurants I worked at, and he was great. Maybe you caught him on an off day? I'm the first to call out shitty celebrities - I've come across many, particularly in this restaurant - but he wasn't

I don't know... I've met Emeril several times and had the pleasure of cooking for him and eating with him at one of the restaurants I worked at, and he was great. Maybe you caught him on an off day? I'm the first to call out shitty celebrities - I've come across many, particularly in this restaurant - but he wasn't


"Not all men." You do realize how played out that is, right?

At my tiny-and-religious undergrad (which was partially supported by a large Christian denomination and doesn't even begin to approach the amount of money involved with Columbia), the maintenance/ground staff's duties unofficially included landscaping and general cosmetic maintenance at the school president's home,

good god damn. somethin' about a man in a bathtub..

for REAL, though. I won't admit how long I lingered on his picture probably a full minute. Lawd.

God damn. Whether or not it's smart to engage like that - god damn, I love this.

Like a tiny pink cupcake being lowered into a pot of boiling water.

Seriously, it feels as though it's trying to flow like segments of "Best Week Ever" in text instead of visuals, but it's not successful without breaks. Which is off-putting, 'cause I really want to read it.

Perfect analogy, in my opinion. I get sick of talking about food, even though I love it and it's my job. But if I've just launched a new project, I KNOW that I'm going to have to discuss it. I get sick of questions about "how is it to be a female chef in a man's world?" which makes me empathize with Minaj's reticence

agreed agreed agreed. Blech. And, as a pastry chef, they are my LEAST FAVORITE THINGS IN THE WORLD to make. Pains in my ass, too sweet, finicky as hell, and gone in two bites. Haaaaaaate.

Yeah, you know what, though? Fuck his meaningless apology. I'm on apology overload lately. Maybe just don't be a dick to begin with? and, especially, out loud? There you go.

Seriously. I write, but I'm also a chef. And part of why I chose to become a chef, even more than my love of food and hospitality, is that the restaurant industry is where all the best stories are. You just can't beat it. :)