
The last chef I worked for invited one of her colleagues (another chef) in for dinner. He and his group easily racked up about $300 worth... Chef comped it down to around $75 because, you know, colleagues/friends/whatever... Guest raved about everything, including the service, and ended up leaving...a $4 tip for his

See, I watch that, and there's no denying that the girl has a voice. But everything she does with it is just so underdeveloped. I'm still in Camp Mumble-Belt. And if she flips that hair one more time.

Preach on. And I swear, I get it double, because I'm a woman, so people assume that I value Food Network "chef" kitsch. As though "we girls" can probably relate to each other.

THIS THIS THIS. A thousand times, this. I'm a chef. Paula Deen makes me cringe, in a culinary sense, because of everything you've written here. She's barely a step up from Sandra Lee, who makes me full-out eye twitch.

I'm a chef. The chemicals you reference are specifically referred to as "hazardous chemicals," and they're to be stored in a completely separate room from any foods. That is a federal health code standard for any food service operation. So, yeah, the language/classification of a "chemical" DOES matter.

Heat some olive oil with some cumin for a bit. Sweat in the oil: 1 small chopped onion, 1/2 green pepper, 4 cloves minced garlic, until soft. Throw in one can EACH (drained) of corn, diced tomato, and black beans (which have been rinsed). Stir in juice of 1 lemon, about 1 1/2 cups hummus. Salt and pepper to taste.

It's actually used in many cuisines other than American.

Definitely.. understand and agreed. I have a fairly regular customer who is actually allergic to chlorine - so much so that she can't eat anything that's been rinsed in fresh water. I've never heard of such an allergy, so who knows.. but I've seen her actually break down and cry in frustration because all she wanted

I think of it in terms of 1) real estate; 2) money, and 3) risk.

I'm copying this from a previous comment, so apologies for the double-post, but I wanted to reply direcctly: Seriously, as a chef, I really DO feel for those of you who legitimately suffer, on whatever level food sensitivities/allergies affect you. I hope you realize that my frustration is with the people who do dumb

And seriously, as a chef, I really DO feel for those of you who legitimately suffer, on whatever level food sensitivities/allergies affect you. I hope you realize that my frustration is with the people who do dumb things and who muddy the waters for those of you who really suffer. It's practically impossible for me to

I'm a chef, and people who play GF games for no reason make me want to fling them headfirst into the fryer. They are generally demanding dicks who are just DUMB about their food. "Do you guys have GF bread/croutons/crackers/babies/oxygen/chairs/restrooms?" Yes. "Okay, I want that. But I don't want the obviously-GF

LOL. I love it when arguments take bizarre, contrived, illogical turns instead of engaging productively. Bonus points for throwing "ignorant" at me.

"Tossing up anecdotes" - nah (not any more than you, anyway). I think it's more accurate to say that casting typically normal behaviors as bad/scary/dangerous is what's happening, and that's bad. What's also bad (at worst) or unproductive (at best) is casting behaviors as gendered. And if we're talking about casting

No, actually, my niece was acting like 1) a kid, expressing recent formative experiences outwardly, and 2) her aunt, who is both a far better shot and artist than her dad or her grandpa. The school was acting like idiots. Gender was not a thing here.

I still scratch my head at labeling it as "feminizing," though I get (and disagree with) why some people believe it so (and am not asking you to explain it to me). My 8-year-old niece was recently overdisciplined at school for almost an identical act - drawing people shooting guns at birds and cans, because she'd

Um, I think the term you're looking for is "over-reactionary." Unless you think all things "pussy" and "overreaction" are synonymous?

When a screed is as dumb as Driscoll's, it doesn't really require much in the way of a "counter-argument." You just kinda point and laugh.

When I moved for school, I put my stuff in storage - half at Mom's, half at Dad's, for six months, including my dildo (I know, but weird living situation, wouldn't have had privacy to use it, anyway). When I got my stuff back, I could NOT find the thing, and was terrified.. I imagined my poor dad accidentally getting

Now THIS, I heartily amen. Not trying to condescend or critique or approve your previous comments, but this one is much more nuanced, and it resonates deeply with my experiences as a survivor still in the healing process. I hear where you're coming from. You might consider, though, that sometimes, you seem to hang