
I'm actually responding seriously. Asking you questions isn't the same as "trying to read your mind;" I could offer the same critique of your questions, if I felt that way. It feels like you and I are trying to nail each other down for the answers that color each of our questions/perspectives. I suspect this would go

1. I did not say that "any statement is victim-blaming;" I said that YOUR statements come off as victim-blaming. If you're going to discuss, stick to facts.

We obviously see this from different sides.

I really like your habit of preemptively shutting down any responses to your comments. Feel free to hang your "CLOSED" sign here as well, but it won't keep me from responding, since it's not just you and me reading this.

This is the second article - the second time in twenty-four hours - in which I've read your commenting on parts of a rape victim's experience which she "should" or "needs to" do differently.

I'm listening. I'd love for you to expound on that comment.

I don't think s/he's asking, say, whether an incident could be considered consensual - I think the question is more from a legal-terminology standpoint. As in "when does such an act cross the line, terminology-wise, from 'molestation' to a form of rape?"

I agree. In my opinion, there's a fine line between delicately asking questions in order to create an atmosphere welcoming anything the victim would like to share, and actually soliciting details. Even soliciting details might not be that bad, carefully, in context, as long as the victim is in control of what they're

Thank you. Seriously, when I read the snippet above about how Bullock "saw a dark figure across the threshold" in her house in the dark, my whole body went cold and I got nauseous. When my situation first escalated, I got in the habit (which took therapy to break, and is now thankfully a thing of the past) of turning

I didn't feel any judgment from your comment, for what it's worth. My stalker had an established history of violence and mental illnesss, and, even after alarming my entire house and triple-locking any entrances, he still managed to get in. Frankly, I was so terrified and exhausted that owning a gun and knowing I

I had a crazy stalker. And you better motherfucking believe I own a shotgun now. I'm smart about it and I don't apologize for it. I'd rather the potential that something "go wrong" while I'm defending myself than while I'm defenseless.

I seriously have to fight the urge to love on service animals when I see them. I never do it, but I always want to scratch their chins and talk goofy to them. I really admire and appreciate their serenity and attentiveness to their humans.

"as long as it doesn't violate any health codes and as long as the dogs are trained and well behaved..."

I knew my most recent former roommate for a solid two years before we became roommates. We were close friends in the same degree program, and were roommates for three months before I realized how nuts she was and moved out. Unbeknownst to me...

Irvine is TOTALLY a dick. A few years ago, I worked in fine dining in FL, and Irvine was supposed to open two restaurants basically right across the street from us. He contracted with all kinds of local businesses - consultants, interior designers, etc: - then totally skipped town. They're all suing him. Asshat.

It's a semi-classic thing to serve fresh berries with sour cream mixed with sugar or brown sugar. Try it sometime. Yummmmm.

Noted. Hard to tell in these threads sometimes.

I'm pretty sure a woman who likes to dress provocatively and have casual sex/one-night stands wouldn't walk into Atomic Grill and expect to do so right there in the restaurant, seeing as how they're not that kind of establishment. Nor would most men walk into Atomic Grill and make the kind of demand this cretin did.

Actually, the WVFRIS (WV Foundation for Rape Info & Services) is accepting donations directly, via snail mail or the Paypal account they've set up directly because of Atomic Grill's campaign. The Paypal button is on their site (linked at the end of the post, which I'm sure you already saw, but just pointing it out

This is almost exactly my experience as well.