
Toast is my favorite dog on Instagram! I swear that following her will make your life better.

Oh it's a fuck of a lot longer than 18 years if it's a developmentally disabled child. That'd be the rest of the parent , or child's natural life.

For starters, he lived in London and I lived in New York. He was a decent guy from a kind of a fucked up background and it sounds bad, but I felt sorry for him and thought I could make his life better. And if I'm totally honest, I really liked spending time in London. After we got engaged (with a sapphire ring that I

Worth every penny of the $1200 price tag. We didn't get to take a vacation that year because my husband was working for assholes so that was our big spend and we loved every bite of it.

I mean, I own it on DVD so whoever can fit in my apartment is welcome as long as they bring wine.

Anyone who works as a film or tv stylist (which wouldn't necessarily be considered "celebrity") is likely billing around $500 per day and if they're full time then that number is about right. But before you go talking about how that's soooooooo much money (and in NYC $100k isn't a shitload) please consider that even