
Trader Joe’s Jalapeño Limeade will easily scratch the itch for a spicy marg and it’s got real bite to it!

Well, Kate Moss didn’t eat so she could use all her calories on booze

Oh no, they do; that sect of White Woman Wellness believe sunscreen is another hoax being pushed by government/corporations/big pharma/insert boogeymen of choice. Check out Dylan McDermott’s ex-wife, Shiva Rose, if you’re looking to have a rage stroke. She might have been the first one of that group to move to TX for

Really unsure why Disney didn’t pour a billion or so into tanking the DeSantis reelection campaign, unless they’re patiently waiting for his presidential bid to be announced…

Yes. And definitely see The Menu! Might be my favorite movie of last year.

Lest anyone forget that HBC was “the other woman” in both the Kenneth Branagh/Emma Thompson and Tim Burton/Lisa Marie split ups…

Shut up, grandma

But child rape is totally fine!

Yes, businesses do pay to use credit services, but the charge is between 1-3% for Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX. 10% is a straight up scam

The best worst movie of all!

We’re running on the assumption those kids ever had a chance to begin with…

Yes, but woe is the woman in one of those red states who has a complication and needs medical attention.

Oh, check out Christiane Northrup’s IG post from 4/21. She explains the wholllllllllle thing, and how you can rid your womb of the “AI” from those nasty vaccine shedders. By bathing— submerging yourself, actually, in scalding hot water sprinkled with hay from the pet store and then scrubbing down *twice* with the

Well, Meghan has likely dodged that bullet by being too pregnant to fly such a distance, so, godspeed, Harry!

Oh, she makes the Kardashians look conservative with their face and body modifications. Nose job, complete reimagining of the jawline (bless her black heart, she had the same jaw as tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber), boobs, eye lift, body contouring, and fillers galore!

Oh I literally spent my morning on her IG, reporting as many of those QAnon goblins as I could. I almost want to play the long game and follow some of them until something bad happens in their lives and then take a digital shit all over them. Karma and all...

I feel terrible for those kids, but not nearly so much for her. She went ahead and had two more kids with him after his public breakdown/hospitalization where he was diagnosed and made it clear that he wasn’t staying on the meds. That’s just wildly irresponsible, especially from someone who has always had the means to

Because celebrities are desperate not to lose their place in the never-ending tournament of cultural relevancy

Oh, her reputation has always been hot hot garbage. She got a proverbial pass when her boyfriend OD’d or else this would have blown up a long time ago. 

There was actually a piece in the NYT a couple of weeks ago about two productions (one in Iceland and one in Australia) that had already gone back to work, and the Australian film did do exactly this. The problem comes when you have big stars attached. They come along with a team of assistants and kids and nannies and