
Goddamn haha you win today. 

You’re not curious to see a sit down? I’m not advocating for either and that dude fucking sucks no matter what is true. But come on...

Working in the restaurant industry and working with quite a few Mexicans, Hondurans, and el Salvadorans mostly . “Puto” is like dumbass, or something similar. This is slightly insulting if you don’t know then and almost endearing if you are friends and just part of the way we talk. We are all getting way too

I’m just jealous that I don’t have the ability to have any of these bad hair cuts...

Also curious besides the one story he posted when he was 20.

You poor guy. Is life hard like that?

Ugh why’d she have to open her mouth...I don’t want to cheer for Michigan. But now I kinda have to just so this old lady doesn’t think god is up there giving a shit about her basketball team.

Ugh she’s the worse. Also, a friend showed me her umm...”sexy” pictures that got hacked. I can’t look at her the same way. Pretty amazing those were sent to anyone.

I hate that he calls himself “The Edge”. Oh, and his beanie. So their music must not be good.

Good. Michael Smith needs a better co-host anyway. She’s awful when she’s actually talking about sports.

I go to many shows in Vegas so this hits closer than a lot of other shootings. Just watched the vice news from last night that shows a bunch of videos from that night. Fucking fuck, I tensed up and wanted to turn it off. That’s just me in the safety of my living room. I can’t even imagine what those people went

This dipshit had a “reality show” in Denver that no one watched and they filmed a lunch at the restaurant I worked at. She is, in fact, one of the dumbest people I’ve ever been around. They had to film a specific conversation 4 times. Talking to your friends is hard work.

If people really want to understand Pat Tillman and learn a good deal about that region I can’t recommend enough “Where Men Win Glory” by Jon Krakauer. He was a fascinating dude.

If only I cared to watch them hunt...

Two of the only honerable sports persons on earth? many sports do you actually watch? I think there is a LOT more. Floyd mayweather, Lance Armstrong...see? Just named two others.

There needs to be a boondock saints style movement to people like this. Such a bummer.

Well done.

This protest has done absolutely nothing to help anyone but sports talk shows. He actually thinks he’s doing the “right thing” by kneeling during a song.

You have multiple reasons to be ashamed of being man? I agree that this dude fucking sucks but it sounds like you got put in the “friend-zone” by one too many women.

That’s pretty offensive to those players. I’m happy that he was in Vietnam and his son was in Iraq but Maybe if less people joined, those meaningless ground wars wouldn’t have happened. Our government fucking blows.