This game is too good, gotta spend some money to support Intelligent sys.
This game is too good, gotta spend some money to support Intelligent sys.
not me
Whats going on? FE fans are smarter than this.
Dang, I’m glad I don’t play this game.
Whoa three from XIII, I would’ve never guessed.
oh.... shhhhhh
I would run to school from the bus to make it for Ronin Warriors and DBZ.
Its not a questions if Symmetra is a good pick. She is a great pick, they all are. Its the toxicity that is the problem.
Thank you, I posted something similar on Blizzard Forums. The toxicity got crazy lately. I am messaged all the time to switch characters on PS4. But you can’t report on PS4. I just have to stop playing to end the toxic spread. But man, I haven’t played for a while.
Patrick.... Thank you....
Its always scary to transfer save data and open up a console. I don’t want to do it either. What if something bad happens? ....
Over... Watch...
thank you
Its funny because of Coco
I don’t get it. We don’t like touchpads?
Replace Hog with Lucio solo ult.
This is great
A snowmei makes sense.