
This game is too good, gotta spend some money to support Intelligent sys.

not me

Whats going on? FE fans are smarter than this.

Dang, I’m glad I don’t play this game.

Whoa three from XIII, I would’ve never guessed.

oh.... shhhhhh


I would run to school from the bus to make it for Ronin Warriors and DBZ.

Its not a questions if Symmetra is a good pick. She is a great pick, they all are. Its the toxicity that is the problem.

Thank you, I posted something similar on Blizzard Forums. The toxicity got crazy lately. I am messaged all the time to switch characters on PS4. But you can’t report on PS4. I just have to stop playing to end the toxic spread. But man, I haven’t played for a while.

Patrick.... Thank you....

Its always scary to transfer save data and open up a console. I don’t want to do it either. What if something bad happens? ....

Over... Watch...

thank you

Its funny because of Coco


I don’t get it. We don’t like touchpads?

Replace Hog with Lucio solo ult.

This is great

A snowmei makes sense.