
So you want to get into anime. Buckle in. From outside, it looks like a big, scary and potentially fatal

I hate the word! But yeah, dismissive? Sure. Vague box, likely android console, just read that they plan on crowdfunding it. Hitting all the wrong switches for me.

I admire your strength, haha. I still love the game so much, but playing it lately hurts more than it helps my mood. Lots of commenters have advised not to play competitive mode. I disagree—it’s the only mode where people actually play the game collaboratively, which is my strong preference. But, yeah, even there, it

I know fighting game fans lose their shit when characters aren’t carried over from previous games, but Spencer does not deserve to be a returning character no matter how well designed he is. I bet 95% of the players who used him in MvC3 have never played that god-awful Bionic Commando reboot.

Man they are a bunch of babies. Not only has FEH’s developers give their fans exactly what they wanted...more free orbs, 99 stamina, more units...they keep adding more and more free content to the game. So now that you can get good characters via orbs that a problem? Its FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

As other folks have said in the thread, I wouldn’t buy the Switch for a young kid. I can’t slip it into my pocket, the 3DS has some amazing games and continues to do so, the dual screen thing is still unique, setting it apart from the Switch — so many things.

Found myself feeling the same way. I have way more fun in Mystery Heroes when I don’t want to play seriously, because at least then the Hero picks aren’t anyone’s fault so I don’t care. But QP just feels pointless.