She freezes into a snowman. Details people.
She freezes into a snowman. Details people.
according to five people?
Fifth Element had a good one.
All trolls are twelve years old, its fine. Its just he looked SO sad when told he could play at home now. His parents are nice, but maybe they aren’t? Maybe his siblings suck? Maybe they share a TV and he’ll never get to play.
yes please
Whoa Kotaku feed sucks today.
Why Kotaku?
This is amazing!... ameiz?....
Zombie U?
There is so much anime that comes out every season. There is no way you can watch it all. And like 2% of it is Fan Service. So chill out.
yes please
Ok, I’m getting a VITA
That last one lol
Can you post something similar but without Ghibli movies? Because those are no brainers.
I powered up a Genji once on Numbani. He just stood in the corner and waited for it to pass.
This looks so dope.