lil Bo Peep

I always thought you were a girl. Turns out you are a boy. Aside from that, yes it does. For example, let’s say you are asleep in the middle of the night and a tornado blows the front side of your house off. Your TV, your yoga mat and Peleton, your great great great grandmother’s china, all of the cereal in the pantry

I’m not asking for people to be sympathetic to Weiner. I’m asking people to stop dragging his name through the mud. He was a good politician, damn good, and he’s got a chance to get back in the game but only people stop trying to wreck his character.

Comey is a Republican and that’s why he reopened the unfounded email case against Hillary. Weiner had nothing to do with it. He’s out of politics, a private citizen. It’s time to move on.

Weiner did his time and is now a free man. Let it go.

I prefer to not vote for evil at all.

Isn’t the example in this article a hurricane?

Hi. Of course there are extenuating circumstances, but the meat of the issue here is nihilism and carelessness. 

Hmmmm... what do we have here?

You starred one my posts, Scott.  We’re friends now.

It is not impossible to find humans that rank lower than dogs and should be prioritized below dogs.  That’s neither debatable nor controversial. Or have you not seen videos of cartel violence?

Hillary shouldn’t have rigged the primary.

This is not the way to repair your self-esteem, friend.

It is 100% fair to accurately describe one’s level of humanity based on their actions. 

This is not Bernie’s fault.

No reason to blame Bernie for splitting the vote here. Nobody saw this coming. Yes, Bernie could have done more to prevent a Trump presidency. Yes, he was supremely unhelpful in suggesting that Hillary rigged the primary. But Comey didn’t need to reopen the case about... emails. Lots of blame to go around and this

The population of pet deserters is not “all pet owners.” It’s a much smaller subset of careless, ill-prepared, unloving subhumans. No real person leaves a loved one behind and only a true monster does so with several days to prepare.

Right: I love my dad.

Pretty easy to tell in the headline clip how the ball went in. It was rotating toward the basket when it bounced off the rim so when it caught the rim again post-bounce it lurched forward into the basket. This is all clearly visible with the naked eye.

100% FACT and easy to tell if you just look at his replies. The Krassensteins and the rest of The Resistance are the only replies he gets. This is why we need to keep up the fight on social media. We’re winning.