lil Bo Peep

I came here just to read about particle collider sounds.... extremely satisfied.

“Peace in the Middle East” is open to interpretation. One man’s regional friendship is another’s total depopulation.

Yeah that was a horrible mistake that didn’t serve a single American interest outside of the MIC, but coincidentally did flatten some of the key geopolitical imperatives of our allies. Bolton and NPC boomer conservatives aside, I think most want to avoid Iraq 3.0 in Iran. And I think Trump gets that. Maybe there are

Considering member nations of the EU are telling it to pound sand, your hopes might be a bit misplaced.

They may regret their choices in hindsight after decades have passed

Considering Hawaii or whatever puts spyware in everything and gives all data to China this is probably a good idea. Maybe in his second term we can get a total ban on all Chinese tech and break up domestic tech firms that are sympathetic to China.

Maybe not much. Maybe they could surprise us. Does it really matter?

But what if we instigated a war and then participated only minimally? A MENA region in turmoil, as is their wont, sans United States + European involvement could have tremendous benefits to civilised nations. Maybe being entangled with each other, as is their historical prerogative, would get them out of our hair.

When did you realize that saying things like “all the ___” or “___ is a thing” or ending your non-question sentence with “right?” marks you as an old person?