lil Bo Peep

Yes it does.

Not very clear what your point is. When Bernie was assaulted by the two BLM women in Seattle and had his mic and stage forcefully stolen from him what did he do? He said that it wasn’t his place to deny these women their right to address his crowd and that they had as much time as they wanted to discuss the topics

Nothing is funnier than young little babykins pretending Christoph Columbus was some bad dude that needs to be endlessly shamed and removed from public spaces and his history erased and blah blah it’s all so tiresome.


The Arkansas or Alabama or whatever law goes too far. Nobody disagrees with that. But this is a sports’ site. I come over to Jezebel when I want to talk about this stuff. Actually I did today already and got a bunch of stars. PLAESE don’t invade the last sanctuary from all the madness we have left. Please don’t take

You are grey now! 

Nancy Pelosi is on are team now. Boo hoo hoo. Who’s left on the left at this point, no pun intended. AOC and her gal pals? Biden I guess?

The problem with voting is that not everyone has a voice. I think we can agree that everyone affected by US policy deserves a voice, documented or not, so why do we restrict voting to citizens only? That’s the core issue. The rest is semantics.

Not proud to say I voted for Hillary in the primary and worked a few covert SocMed Ops with a team of like-minded folx. Doing my best to atone for that and will be canvassing my community for Bernie.

Not everyone has the ability to be a promoted commenter on this wonderful network. I’m trying my best here. I want to be one of you guys but I guess I’m too real, too raw. So again, my only point was that the victims here aren’t the unrelated dealers sitting in the pen for dealing meth or whatever. The victims, at

At this point I would just request that you not pass judgement on the value of a dog, being someone completely unfamiliar with the creature. They are known as Man’s BF for a reason. I hope that someday you know that reason.

You only have two stars because this is an idiotic take. You dismissed me because I made you realize that. They call that... fragility. 

I’m upset that they still haven’t found MH370 but I’m not going to try to tie that to the family that started the Opioid Crisis.

And so we agree. The wonderful and delightful dog will not be left behind.

Not a huge fan of irony, but that’s pretty good. Gawker is the most black/white place on earth. You have to know that.

Here’s where we agree: The white collar opioid pushers deserve harsh sentencing. Drop the hammer.

When the fire alarm goes off, is your priority to get yourself out or to help those that need help? 

Homicide charges when? Can they get charged with selling WMDs? Biological terrorism? Make an example of these snakes.

Brother the dealers are alive in the hundreds but the users are dead in the tens of thousands.

As a man, it’s not your place to make that call, bro.