Li'l Bitty Maggie Pie

Which teams have been turning down three free goals?

Hey, Sandy Duncan stepped in well after Valerie Harper left a show that had her name in the title*. All things are possible.

His daughter’s as dim a bulb as he is.

That can’t be a Sorkin anecdote, it lasts for only one paragraph.

At least Mask had Sam Elliott as a grizzled biker/father figure

At least tell me Black Manta is pestering Aquaman, or that there’s a credible Toyman.

I think Cyborg is the guy just sitting at the bar, unarmed.

I knew they fucked up when they didn’t get a Ted Knight soundalike to narrate it.

Are the Golden Globes more of a coke-filled schmooze-fest or a schmoozing-filled coke-fest?

“Check out the age of consent and attitude towards concubines in the Old Testament! Truly Roy Moore is the most godly of us all!”

If I’m not mistaken, that was the argument when Sessions was being raked over the coals by Democrats for his racist past/present during his confirmation: THINK OF HIS WIFE.

It doesn’t bother me one way or the other, after all you’re much worse without him, but as long as we dump his contract at the end of the year I’m fine with it. It’s more “Life With Daryl Morey,” who will physically die if he doesn’t turn over 90% of his roster every 12 months.

That catalog guy with the dramatic voice?

It’s time for a million-strong WHERE’S WALLACE? letter-writing campaign

So The Wire Season 1, but less funny?

Thanks to Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast, I learned that the guy who forced William H. Macy to use his middle initial [Bill Macy, a.k.a. Bea Arthur’s husband on Maude] is still around at age 95.

Not if you’ve seen After Earth

Did we have to give back some Chinese shoplifters in return?

(1) You know, private self-flagellation is more dignified and doesn’t take up so many bytes.

Well, even if they don’t unseat the king of this garbage conference, they can wait him out.