Li'l Bitty Maggie Pie
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Alternate time-saving plan: avoid the probably super-dreary Punisher series and watch 30 seconds of The Tick’s Big Shot instead.

Finally, the inside scoop on what Billy Idol was like during Lollapalooza ‘05.

Further congrats to mid-November meaningless basketball completing suffocating any discussion of MLB post-season awards, I haven’t seen this type of defense since the mania over 9th division Lithuanian soccer bloopers completely shut out coverage of the Broncos beating the Panthers in the Super Bowl.

This concussion factory must be saved from the highly paid sock puppet people impute independent decision-making to! Alternatively, why don’t they STICK TO CONCUSSIONS.

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I thought it was successfully reclaimed by Randall in 2006, all its power is drained and dispersed.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash; the novella by Vonnegut was unreadable.

I’m just sad this win will be disallowed when the Suns are disbanded in January.

Hey, I heard they’re handing out postseason MLB awards.

At least if he’s denied a federal judgeship he can fall back on the money he made as a Flowbee spokesman

This race commemorates the time some poor ancient Greek messenger forgot the message he was supposed to deliver, twice, and died upon going back to get it a third time.

Get ready for about a 19% sales tax to pay off this and other settlements, people of Mesquite.

I never thought we’d hit the 80s oxymoronic heights of peacekeeper missile or military intelligence, but here we are with YouTube personality.

When that guy clanging the axes together in Cobra called him ‘pig’ maybe it wasn’t a pejorative for police officer.

I too am looking forward to the halls of Congress being populated largely by tumbleweeds.

RIP Chinese kid in Vietnam

You seem awfully confident, speaking to a person whose last theater experience might have been Black Dynamite.

We prefer to be called meminists.

He only uses Tupac in the shotgun.

Not worrying about what noxious dead-enders tell each other added 8 years to my life expectancy

That tears it, he needs to be replaced by Ellen Cleghorne.