
I do like that he did his own shopping. You know he could have sent someone out on a Noosa run if he really wanted to.

He was getting a veritable smorgasbord of flavors, but I saw lots of yellow/orange colors... mango? Is there mango Noosa? I don’t eat yogurt since it makes me gag (unless it’s frozen).

CO native here. Hick isn’t that popular with the state’s hardcore progressives, but he does have a lot of broad / crossover appeal and since he’s a “businessman” that would probably track well on the national stage.

It’s a pretty clever non-apology, but it’s still a non-apology, and the word choice indicates a high level of manipulation and deflection. Note the use of the word “stories” rather than “accusations” — “these stories are true.” The word “stories” softens the blow in a way that “accusations” does not. Then let’s take

I’m a grown lady and I frequently have dinner with one of my ex-boyfriends when he’s in town. We usually grab some vegetarian food without the supervision of his girlfriend (now wife), talk about books we’ve read, mountains he’s climbed (great bod on that one), and whatever else strikes our fancy. Sometimes my

This film shook me hard. I watched it in a theater with a very diverse crowd (the same theater where James Holmes killed 12 people; yeah, that thought never strayed far from my mind), and the last 15-20 minutes or so were so intense and cathartic. Everyone was holding their breath.