
It's realistic? 

It’s one of the criticisms that people have of Doctor Who, believe it or not - that those who are seen to be the victim of the episode-of-the-week’s Big Bad are forever lost. Good example of this was all of the people cyberconverted during the Battle of Canary Wharf - there was some fair amount of

This is how they always do it, though. Remember the season 1 camp? All the people on Hershel’s season 2 farm? The season 3 prisoners? Season 4 random Woodbury people?

I would totally name a dog C. Thomas Howl if I had one. 

Sure, “losing one sense makes your other senses superhuman” is a hoary old speculative fiction cliche, but I don’t really have a problem with Connie always being the first person to notice stuff. A deaf person isn’t going to still be alive nine years into a zombie apocalypse if she doesn’t have her head on a swivel

They showed the Saviors doing it, Maggie mentioned how she wanted all of their ethanol for food, and they also showed Daryl and Eugene working on making Daryl’s bike run ethanol as a fuel. It was mentioned more than just briefly...

You know what my favorite part was? Hearing all about what a great guy “Bernie” was! You know, that guy we never met? And is now dead? Yeah, I really miss good old Bernie...

I actually find the new group interesting. They each have their own personality and are great with their weapons. I also comnend the producers for adding (2) people with a disability, giving the experience of this life and struggle another view. I’m curious to see where the story goes with them. We have new characters

Red hates Frieda more than she loves her grandkids

I miss Alison. I would like to think that she and Watson and Soso are still a crew and are having fun adventures together in whatever prison they got shipped.

I'm thinking Scairp might be onto something here! Debbie really wanted to torture Sammi and maybe Mickey realized it would be too dangerous. And maybe he really isn't as blood thirsty as people seem to think. He couldn't kill Frank when he thought he had to because he was still terrified of his dad finding out he

So glad I wasn't the only way to catch that and the importance of this statement. Frank's post-whatever the fuck you call it was used way more strategically then I had anticipated. I'm glad they took a more subtle route on showing Frank's past. I've always wondered what makes Frank, Frank.