
Frieda refers to Carol and Barb asThe Little Debbie Murderers”, so I think it is safe to say that Debbie was killed.

We watched Arachnophobia in a Year 8 movie night, at school! In the evening!

Seriously??? hmmmmm

Yes, definitely an uncomfortable kind of ticking time bomb feeling surrounding Suzanne…

Benny Hill Goes To Prison

Definite Spoiler City Limits there…NOT happy

Especially when Blanca had Red sniff the "vitamins"

I hope they don't ask for DNA evidence of their blood relationship…

I have made a habit of skipping the 90 second credits. It used to be because I wanted to get straight into the episode, now it is so I can avoid spoilers. I loved the beautiful eyes of Poussey popping up in tge library. I cried like a baby!

That makes sense, especially when you consider their earlier conversation, when they were deciding what to do with the gun. When Leanne suggested they escape, Angie reminded her she had already tried that and there was nothing to escape to. That was the moment where we knew they were going to have as much "fun"(in

I hope she gets really ill from the finger, serves her right for hamming it up so bloody much! Over it already..

I have been thinking the same about Angie and Leanne for the most part of this season… especially Leanne. It is hard to believe her character was once Amish!

Aha!! I knew she fired some old school reality TV binge memories from my 20s. Thanks for clearing that up. You have saved me from the inevitable late night/trying to get to sleep innocuous thought cycles containing visions of bad tans, bleach blonde hair and dramatics…and those are just of her father (though he was a

Love the Debbie Does….. reference in the title here. I remember the original Debbie porn franchise being talked about in the school yard in the 80s as a kid, and only found out what it was really about some years into my adulthood hahahaha

I vaguely remember Brooke Hogan had her own reality show, maybe back in the Laguna Beach days? Or was it her Dad's show in name but mainly about her? I am tryng to remember, but not quite curious enough to Google it. Anyone??

Tuning in from The Land Down Under. Just finished the Pilot, after being extra excited to see Alison Brie get her own show. Her portrayal of Trudy in MM made her one of my favourite actresses to watch out for. Looking forward to a satisfying binge weekend..bring on the excruciating longing that goes with finishing a

Ditto! I can see myself and people I know, in both Mickey and Gus. I don't believe it is the writers' intention to juxtapose them and make us pick favourites. Drives me mad when people pigeon hole characters. Sometimes I like them both, sometimes only one of them. Mostly I just want to grab them both, and shake some

I have been coming here after each episode, not after the full season. Am I doing it wrong?

I believe Gus did attempt an offer of a get out of gaol free pass, to Mickey when they went to the bar. He offered that she should use the excuse that he wants to leave, so that Mickey wouldn't have to be in a triggering environment while dealing with her Dad.
I think Gus really thought he was doing the right thing,

Bahahahaha I love how Roger pounced on that one word, probably hoping it was a doubke entendre lol