Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

I cannot believe an elected official has that as his twitter icon...THIS ISN’T YOUR PRIVATE MYSPACE PAGE DUDE!

We know about his porn habits then we want to know.

Yes yes. Let’s focus on raw, authentic music culture, by watching yet another fucking t.v. network talent show.

lol. I love it when people make it so easy to see what their problem really is. The other day I was listening to a podcast in which a white woman said “Hamilton” is shit and used Eminem as her example for what a technically proficient rapper should sound like. Like maybe make your bias a little less obvious, guys.

Here’s an idea- don’t listen to those artists if you don’t like them. For the entire history of Rock and Roll there has been pop music and there has been the sort of music he wants. There’s room for both. I’m not a fan of Adele and I don’t know if her voice is 100% natural in those songs, but why the ever-living fuck

We’ve always been at war with Eurasia. I never said we weren’t at war with Eurasia. Know who says we aren’t at war with Eurasia? Losers. Just look at Benghazi and you’ll see. Anyway, chocolate rations will increase next week. Thanks to me.

Per High Sparrow, as well.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

I would watch this movie on Lifetime.

We are so overdue for a plague

Good for her. I missed a small piece of one of my incisive teeth, from a bicycle accident in my childhood. It never bothered me through most of my life, nobody never commented on it, but some ten years ago I started getting bothered by it while looking at the mirror. So I fixed it (it requires annual redoin, due to

Get a pug. They grunt and snort the same and are about as round.

Pfft. All that time on the D and I doubt he’ll ever make it over to the O.

When I was eighteen, the internet didn't have pictures yet. I don't believe Yahoo existed at that point. I do remember the fever swamp that was Usenet discussions, though.

Oh, weird. Okay!

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

I have a similar experience. I was a white woman raised by conservative parents who downplayed the historical realities of things. (Though my dad could be a secret democrat and I’d never know. He tells no one who he votes for.) My journey left started in college in 1996. I was socially liberal and fiscally

Here’s hoping the next school board election brings more women to the board, or men who are less liable to let their emotions make their decisions for them.

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”