I hate myself for reading his name as Hide DeSalami.
I hate myself for reading his name as Hide DeSalami.
-1 for text covering nipples, sloppy effort.
I have mutual friends with the dudes so ill for sure buy them mozzarella sticks and beers from Suck It, Trebek when/if I run into them!
The great thing about feminism is that there’s room for women who want that and room for women who don’t want that.
“SHE IS THE DOWNFALL OF WESTERN SOCIETY”, he cries into his hands full of semen
clean up in aisle panties, am i right?
But you know how they excuse themselves? They say things like “I really like what he has to say about the economy...” heavily implying that it’s the ONLY issue they care about/agree with Trump on, and that they just don’t give a lot of weight to any other issues so hey - who cares what Trump has to say about those?…
It’s actually depressing to see that the more obnoxious he gets the more his ratings increase from his supporters which basically tells me that there is a portion of American society, larger than I’d feared, that is truly hateful towards women, other races, other religions and LGBT people. He is making it okay for…
Yup. I no longer give a pass for “fiscal” conservatives. If you are a member of the Republican party now, I know for certain you are sexist, bigoted, homophobic and an all around asshole of epic proportions.
on the bright side, i think a significant fraction of trump supporters support him, not because of any of his positions, but because he’s winning. for them, winning’s enough, winning determines right from wrong, and they’ll construct a rationale for their support after the fact as needed.
I’m voting for him because he has bangable hair. Bangeble? Bangble? Hair... Flarhf. His hair actually sucks, if hair reflected a person’s personality, he would suck, he does suck though. FUCK THIS TRUMP GUY with a cactus!!
I can’t believe it was not butter seventeen years ago.
I didn’t get past Vacharkulksemsuk.
Activists at the LymeDiseaseNetwork.com estimate that over a million Americans have chronic Lyme.