Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

If you’re in the US and are thinking of taking your own life, call 1-800-273-8255 (the National Suicide Prevention Hotline).

Well, I guess my tattoos of a leviathan and phoenix summons (FF8 and 9, respectively) are now welcome in Japan. So I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

Now playing

a few of my friends are in the video with him too

For what it’s worth, she comes across to me like a genuinely good person! She handles her co-stars’ bs much more gracefully than I would (looking at you Gizelle.)

i learned to stop reading/defending him when he said some dumb shit in an interview. i was like, okay, i see how he’s come across here and its NOT GREAT so i’m just going to ignore everything posted about him and just think of him how i did before this 8 minutes of fame

Aw I like you :)

This is why my wife and I let the internet pick our name. We’re now Mr. & Mrs. TallMcFuckface.

Ladies and Gentleman, it is my great honor to present, for the first time as man and wife, Mr. And Mrs. Eleventhstreet

This might be an unpopular opinion, but as a married guy I suggest you continue to go by Hannah.

I will never understand the sexy schoolgirl thing. It’s like, “Okay guys, feel free to act out your pedophilic fantasies crime-free!”

The bustle was considered to be a huge leap forward for women’s fashion in its time, compared to the earlier hoopskirt. Both of these devices gave a pleasing fullness to the hips and skirts which made the corseted waist seem even tinier. However, the hoopskirt was dangerous in a time when most houses were heated with

Look Microsoft, having a “women in gaming” lunch is great! But you can’t use that as a sheild when you then make women incredibly uncomfortable in the spaces where a lot of networking connections are going to get made.

But can we discuss the real issue here: ethics in gaming?

Hiring inequality, however...

i’m halfway there!

yup, me. been here since forever, not a troll, but somehow i’m too offensive to be ungreyed. makes me sad.

I heard he was very tidy!

Join the club.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! SLAY, QUEEN! (or in this case, warrior princess) I also LOVE that Javier Grillo-Marxuach is involved with this. I was (and remain) a huge fan of The Middleman, so I’m really confident this is going to be good.