Yeah.......but........they have a choice as to whether or not to do that in the first place.
Yeah.......but........they have a choice as to whether or not to do that in the first place.
Not quite who you’re asking, but as a heterosexual woman, I think it’s an added plus when a dude streamer is handsome. It’s pretty natural for sex appeal to be present in entertainment - most people on TV are good looking. It would be less of a problem in gaming, specifically, if female gamers were treated as common…
Dudes don’t normally tear dudes down for being more attractive from what I’ve seen. Maybe allegations of steroid abuse from schlubs, but the difference between like what people tweet at Stephen Amell and like Caity Lotz is a huge vast gap.
All the people here are a bunch of boobs anyway. Let them give it their breast shot.
It’s hard to make a change like this, especially when you know you’re dealing with an anonymous fanbase who’ve come to expect something (be it appearance, cursing, etc.). So instead of being that asshole who was originally going to offer a negative take on her situation, I’ll salvage some decency and wish her the best…
Thank you! Also - not necessarily cheaper. We just recently adopted. It was incredibly difficult. We spent several years trying to go through our state foster care system (who lost our paperwork NUMEROUS times) before giving up and going private. It can get expensive. You can face numerous rejections/false starts/etc.…
People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.
Having not read the story in question, this quote seems to be the nub of the issue.
There are only three groups that count as people in this country: corporations, fetuses and white men.
I don’t even know why voting for a woman because she’s a woman or voting for a black guy just because he’s black is bad.
My unicorns name is Jeff. I fed him once and now he won’t leave, he smells like a fan belt burning up.
We have narwhal, not unicorns :P
I got an inquiry from someone wondering why her criminal history had not been expunged yet. Her email: hitman26.
it’s not a meme. it’s a quote, from the nobel prize winning author margaret atwood. don’t insult her like that, she’s not grumpy cat.
Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.
I was once in the window seat of a row of three. There was a gentleman in the aisle seat. As the boarding process ended, it became clear that the middle seat was to remain blissfully empty and I felt immediate relief, until the gentleman picked himself up, scooted over, and started to lower his ass into the vacant…
He doesn’t know how to use the 3 seashells!
Totally random story: I worked for a company once where my employees were on the first floor, and the second floor housed a large energy company’s customer service dept. This one woman would come downstairs from there (bypassing their huge renovated restroom) to come downstairs to our old 60's 3 holer and proceed to…
One of the more shocking realizations in my life is that I am probably as uncomfortable using a non-gender-specific restroom as my great-grandparents were at using a non-race-specific restroom. (Note: I am not saying that race and sexuality are the same or that their civil rights movements are completely parallel).