Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

A hot beef injection is traditional.

Phantom pressure is pretty tough to deal with. Just ask any ghost that didn’t stay true to itself and got wrapped up in ghost crime.

If you order takeout in terrible conditions, you are a garbage person. End of story.

I read Harry Potter this week for the first time since I was a kid.

Good luck to her and whatever she persues here on out!

This dress makes it look like her arms are coming out of her boobs.


I might compromise and go for Azathoth, MAYBE.

I wouldn’t say it’s not huge among females. Based on io9 articles on D&D, I say the girls like to just play among themselves without many guys around - you can thank the socially retarded “that guy” players for that.

He used to play fallout, till he took a Sonata to the knee.

Personally, I’d replace Preston on this list with “holding down the use button to carry around a dead molerat”

On Sunday night, I posted, “Just ate cereal out of a measuring cup for dinner. #adulting!” because it’s a joke. Because of course I’m an adult — I work a full time job to pay my bills all by myself, but being An Adult is nothing like I thought it would feel. #Adulting is just a joke. Just like actual adulting is just

Actually, I think the phrase “adulting” is the best thing to happen to the English language in a long time. I very much enjoy separating things that have to be done from the things that I enjoy doing.

This reminds me of Giles chiding Buffy for being immature.

My parents are retiring at almost 70 and I asked my mom if she ever truly feels like an adult.

Ok I’m 40 and the mother of an 11 year old. Is it wrong that when I cook something in grease and don't end up crying from grease burns I walk around proclaiming I am the best chef ever to live? How about when I use a tool and no blood is drawn; I am the queen of DIY? My moments are few and far between so gotta

I think #adulting is a sign of humility. I don’t know very many young adults who feel on TOP of their game for the reasons you mentioned.