You’d think David Boreanaz was used to dealing with bloodsuckers.
I guess you could say they really got boned by FOX.
Admitting privileges for abortion providers is a messed up concept, because usually doctors need to agree that they admit X number of patients a year. Since the complication rates for abortions are SO LOW, most providers don’t qualify. So, it’s like we’re punishing abortion providers for, um, helping women safely and…
If this gets patched in for DLC I would love to see a “Hook, Line, and Sphincter” achievement for a perfectly placed ass shot.
This is it. This is how the Holocaust started. The rhetoric is startlingly familiar if you’ve studied Hitler’s rise and the anti-Jewish propoganda used there and even here before we finally got involved. Trump and Carson and the rest of them aren’t funny anymore. It’s scary and people need to start calling this shit…
Fellow librarian here. We have a small group of kids/family that come in every day after school and stay until we close at 8. They all sit at the same table every day with their school issued computers and do their homework together. Very well behaved and smart kids. Always very friendly and quiet, respecting the…
There should be a helmet icon on your map showing the location of the last power armor you wore.
You speak the truth! The other night I was tired from work and I’ve been under a lot of stress lately and I had to drive through the nightlife part of town and the entire time all I could think about was “lemme put on some PJs and go to sleep.”
Crochet does the same for me. I have the easiest time unwinding if I can sit with hook in hand for even 15 minutes at the end of the day. :)
I’m taking a few days off in a couple weeks and all I’m going t do is sew. I’m sew excited for it!
Was about to comment about how my alone time is SO IMPORTANT for my own mental health. Even if it's just for a half an hour of my day, I need time to be alone and recollect myself from the stress of the day.
It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.
I don’t! Ink all over your hands, endless garbage. Good riddance.
You really should be able to just THIS IS SPARTA those people down the escalator so they learn not to do it again.
Do the people who stop and check their cell phones on the subway stairs count?
The identity of the woman who perfectly expressed a sane person’s reaction to being at a Donald Trump rally by whippi…
know what would really be cool though