I unsubscribed from the memo and now I can’t figure out how to dress myself. :(
Poodles are the best.
I only know of the one where I jump up and down in my office for 10 minutes, then twirl until I fall over. Did I choose the wrong ritual?
XDDD I think I’ve been here like...6 years! I deserve points for holding on!
Can I please please PLEASE get ungreyed, please? PLEASE?
Yes, Trump, juries destroy men’s lives, rather than the men who made bad decisions themselves.
You mean a side effect like herd immunity and general increased health for the entire population?
Yeah, I managed to walk a pair of dress pants out of a Limited while carrying my purchased merchandise in my other hand. Ran in and gave them back, but man, I did that IN FRONT OF AT LEAST 2 CLERKS.
Thanks! :D
I’m personally not from the DMV (not sure what that is!)
I was super curious about this too. XD
Thank you for talking to me about this, btw! It’s nice to get a perspective from someone else in the “my friend/family is weirdly famous now” camp!!
Yeah, I should probably not read these recaps but my common sense took a nap.
AHAHAHA! No, no, let’s please read it as sarcastic. I’m a nerd who is just stupid proud of my cousin and kind of want to brag about it but also brag about her because she’s really great. <3
I love Instagram because it takes some of the commenting out of my social media. I have a Facebook, but the engagement requirements are too high for me, so Instagram has been (up until now) a good balance of “great photos from friends’ lives” without having to comment a lot.
Just reading these articles and watching people bag on women they don’t know, I just feel like it’s important to remember that the tv shows like...2% of what’s actually happening.
No, not in the slightest.
I really feel like that would be putting words in her mouth. I know that’s like the ultimate Charlie Brown/Lucy football, but her heart is really in the right place!!
As Katie’s first cousin, I’m just gonna say that I know why she’s very insistent on her white identity (at least I think I do), and I hope someday she gets to tell that story.