Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow


Just early this week, I re-posted “People Getting Punched in the Face Before Eating” on my Twitter for everyone who hadn’t seen it before. It reduces me to hysterical giggles every single time I watch it.

It’s wedding brain. It’s so easy to get sucked up into the expectations and ideals of how you want your wedding to be, and I doubt this is her on a regular basis.

My main reason for never changing my last name when I got married is because I got myfirstname.mylastname@gmail for my e-mail address and if that isn’t a sweet spot in this day and age, I don’t know what is.

You could always do it alphabetically, so there’s never a “we prioritized one person over the other” issue. Boom, alphabet!

Ok, take “stupid” and replace with “awful.” The comment was meant to convey disgust.

Passed DRUG TESTS. Ok.

How can people be this highly educated and also this deeply stupid?

I’ve worn a HUGE hoop for cosplay purposes and it takes up about 3 or 4 connected chairs. So much better to have a stool.

Hey, Apple’s gonna take that as a challenge!

Nobody said the problem was the party.

Alamo is the best. We have one here in Colorado, and it’s the only place my husband and I will go because they’re so great about enforcing silence and minimizing disturbances.


Fair, I was responding directly to AnonymousCivilPerson, which is why my response as framed as it was.

I’m hopeful that Xena will remain a complicated individual - bisexuality included - since her son Solan was such an important part of her history. Getting rid of her complexity in that manner would do her character a great disservice.

Black Canary’s sister, the original Canary on Arrow WAS bi, though! It was neat. They didn’t make a huge deal out of it and let it just add to how awesome she was.

I’m just gonna back out of this thread now. Have a nice day.

There hasn’t been a series order yet (the script is going in for approval, or thereabouts), so nobody has been cast.

I feel like we are having two different conversations. :P

You know that Xena started out ON the old Hercules show, right? RIGHT?