Yup. Xena more than Gab, but they both were resurrected at least once.
Yup. Xena more than Gab, but they both were resurrected at least once.
There are plenty of non-lesbian friends on TV. We need to have a lesbian relationship where one of them doesn’t get fridged for the plot line.
My god, has anyone else been commenting on Jez for like 6 years and is still greyed? Sigh.
Well, and the fact that they found each other over and over again in their next lives as they were reincarnated. Soulmates.
You two had a good run.
Opinion as a cosplayer: Everything I’ve ever cosplayed, prominent boobs are no, has been for me and me alone. I know that’s not the same for everyone, but assuming that women cosplay for men’s attention erases a lot of amazing women out there who do it for their own happiness.
Before you pass judgement that quickly, remember how many unwanted dick pics are sent out every single day. It cuts both ways!
And if men ARE being called whores, it doesn’t have the same societal impact.
There was a teenage Girl Scout with her mom at my local brewery last weekend and they were doing incredibly well. Even better, they didn’t approach anyone - it was all up to the patrons to seek THEM out. Win/win.
I’m never a fan of people being injured, buuuuuut this irony is bacon-flavored.
Sarcasm escaped almost everyone in this thread.
Ugh, that is awful.
What article did YOU read?
That /s denotes sarcasm.
Boys will be boys!
I can get behind buying a cute shade of lipstick if all the proceeds go to people who may want to wear that lipstick too. :)
Where the hell are you getting this 30,000 number? That is /insane./ A man would have to get rejected EVERY DAY FOR OVER 82 YEARS.
Hey, yo, don’t used “teenage girl” like it’s an insult. C’mon, now.
Jackets squish, so they’re easier to fit in after all the sturdy carry-ons have gone in.
This 35-year-old woman wholeheartedly agrees.