Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

OH, no, it didn’t sound like complaining at all! I was like, “this is awesome!” :)

You understand the difference is that it wasn’t about her boner, right?

I think that’s pretty rad, tbh. She had a purpose that wasn’t about her boner!

Unless a dude started a conversation with, “Oh my god, I read that book and I love -author-, have you read [other book]?” which is the only conceivable way I could see putting down said book, this article is seriously 10000000% truth.

This is bad and Yeezy should feel bad.

I just had to clap my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing too loud at work.

Can I star this twice?

Really cements your reputation as a (head)-stoner.


My sister just asks for the hoppiest IPA they have and is happier than a clam. It can be easy, people!

Oh no. :( I’m so sorry that happened to you!!

Seriously. You’d think that since they provide those bags, they should have a way to deal with any output IN the bags.

OH, absolutely! And if you can’t control it, sometimes that is life - I would just hope that whoever threw up would take it to the bathroom or SOMETHING, y’know? I feel for the people that this person was with since he/she clearly did not have that regard.

How do these people exist??


Oh, ok.

Unsure what your statement is getting at?

Holy shit, that is “every level of hell” levels of awfulness.

At least they’re a) having a fun time together, b) not being obnoxious drunks and interrupting anyone else’s good time. Baseball’s a calm enough game that it does not require CONSTANT ATTENTION.

Also, that sucks for the people sitting next to said vomiter during the previous flight. Just UGH all around. How terrible.