Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

I have a friend I’m trying to get to confront her really negative self-view, and it’s this strange line of occasionally being blunt and other times trying to be light hearted - but never lying to her. However, there has to be trust there to make those things happen, or else the friendship isn’t much of one at all.

So much this. I had some real talk given to me about six years ago by a friend after a major breakup and it really helped me screw my head on straight. A good friend is someone whose word you respect and trust. You have to know your friend has your best interests at heart.

As funerals and tokens after death are for the living and not the dead, this doesn’t bother me (and clearly it’s about me). Hopefully this helps the parents and boyfriend get some closure and move on.

Hell. That image is hell.

Pedantically, “its” splendor, not it’s. :)

What you’re failing to recognize here is Occam’s Razor. “The principle states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove to provide better predictions, but—in the absence of differences in

For my naked stuff, I use a brush to put on a light base, then a different brush for a medium color on the sides of my eyes closest to my nose, and a last brush for a darker corner on the outer edges. I’m not that makeup advanced either, but it keeps the colors from mixing.

I’m curious how many brushes everyone keeps in regular rotation and how much cleaning you do? I’m a lazy asshole and tend to wear the same 3 colors to work (from an Urban Decay Naked), but then weekends hit and I do not have enough brushes for my Urban Decay Electric Palette needs.

I think I called my friends’ parents Mr or Mrs so-and-so because I knew my friends’ last names and didn’t bother to go any further than that with their folks (at least while I was younger).

Had to drop in and say I love your username.

No, really, Zales. This is too soon. It will always be too soon.

I’m going to disagree with the David’s Bridal person. They sell the inexpensive dresses for a reason. :/

I thought to myself, “These can’t possibly be all that bad.”

I could watch this all day.

And there’s always going to be that subsection of people who view computers/Internet as a non-essential tool.

Absolutely. I wish there was a way we could help train those parents too!

You seem to have missed the entire point of what I said. Children are much better equipped to handle the Internet if a parent has spent time helping them learn how to spot scams, bad websites, etc. Being able to leave your kids alone with the Internet is the whole point.

These types of things cover up the real issue - parents aren’t spending enough time exploring how to be safe and smart online with their kids. I imagine a bunch of that is still a leftover technological generation gap and some is because there are sucky parents.