Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

Guys, please take the video down. It’s been requested by the tv station:

I honestly don’t think cheating is a situation you “find yourself” in. That takes away all the culpability of making a choice, which everyone does!

Fine, fine, blue and black. YOU WIN.

Seriously, been commenting semi-regularly for like 6 years now.

No, gold and white.

I have no sound on my work computer and apparently this is the cutest blessing.

So ultimately, this is going to inconvenience women the most when it’s men who do all the shootings. Awesome.

Do it. Parties are neat!

One of my bridesmaids wore a tiny fascinator (not covering her face or anything) on my wedding day and it was honestly not a huge deal at all. That being said, THIS IS YOUR WEDDING. If you’re not comfortable with something, hash it out with your friend. Don’t let your friend being a bit brainless about the whole deal

How much of what we do in life is 100% necessary, though? I assume you chose your own hobbies, and you choose to watch tv. You choose to buy certain clothes. A lot of that is because people made advertisements that sell us things.

My bet is that the awful people are somehow LESS awful in public, so family members plan time out rather than time in with them.

I don’t think it was churlishness, it was a rhetorical question.

If he could prove that someone intentionally poisoned him, that person would suffer far worse than this guy ever would. Sadly.

All you can do is teach your kids to choose wisely - go somewhere reputable. Research their ink. You don’t have to like the tattoo, but respect that you’ve raised people who will make their lives valuable in their own ways.

And if someone does step in to say that will you believe them? Or will you argue another point? They’re her tattoos. This mock concern of yours is boring.

Agreed 100000%. Sometimes it’s just weird realizing that no matter how “hip” we think we are, we’re really just super square. XD

Ah, I didn’t pick up on that, I apologize! Carry on. :)

Attempted to kill their friend. The girl recovered.

The trouble with something like schizophrenia is that this girl has already progressed to violence. If she goes on and off her meds throughout her life, who knows what she’d do? I know that’s a lot of what-ifs, but there are a lot of schizophrenics out there who aren’t violent at all. It’s really a no-win situation. :(

I was referring to the following quote in the article: “Juvenile justice reform advocates maintain that, despite the awfulness of the crime, imprisoning Geyser and Weier as adults won’t be a lesson to other 12-year-olds. “