Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

I promise to give your thoughts and ideas the same weight as I would give my own since I know you're a thoughtful person with his/her own needs.

And this is how dissenting opinions adult. Why can't more people do it this way??


I never said that games cause men to be misogynists. Our games and movies reflect our culture. Our culture pays women less on the dollar, provides them with fewer opportunities. We also have a racism problem, and that is evidenced by how few leading black men there are in games too. I mean, I'm sure you've seen that

I just imagine that there is a teenager out there who cannot understand why Jen & Angie hate each other so much. I mean, tabloids have been carrying on this fued so long, some babies born when it happened are in school.

Congrats, you named a game that absolutely breaks down all sexist and societal barriers and issues that plague gaming today!

Yes. Not in some huge movement, but the more that people pay attention to the fact that women are people (and not just women), they will change their own outlooks in their every day lives. It's easy to treat a person like they don't matter if the background radiation of your life is seeing them as a second class

The thing with violence against men is that mostly, men are the ones with agency in games. Nobody is saying violence against any other person, male or female, is not bad. What they are saying is that women characters lack agency and are just decorations that get fridged.

I promise you, lesbian pirate erotica exists with Merry Shannon's "Branded Ann."

You gotta start with a good bodice, though. Something with coutil.

His technique is lacking; his bag should be taking up yet another seat in his vicinity.

I call my dog my kid...and I'm a twin. But I fully enjoy the fact that I can leave him alone for a few hours and he's totally all right. As much as dogs can be our families, human babies just need a whole other level of care. That's partially why I don't want one.

I think if someone is performing a reprehensible action that they CHOSE, then yes, they deserve to be looked down on. This is how we train people to be citizens and not assholes.

I would be so pissed if my tuition was paying for them to block my internet.

YMMV, true enough.

Life is awesome, and we're all lucky we get to live.

She should not have to live in fear. HE should not be peeping.

Although the people they threaten legally are small-time sellers who can't pay - they just end up shutting down their Etsy store.

This is why companies like Disney are constantly having to do sweeps of the independent geeky sellers on Etsy and other sites. They've left this horrible void open because of their sexism, and then when people swoop in to fill it, they issue legal threats. It's ridiculous and stupid.

This would be one of those commercials I watch twice: once because I'm blindsided, the 2nd time because I have to prove to my brain how awful it was. And then I would mute the tv.