Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

I feel sometimes like this is my life while driving through neighborhoods.

Does my dog's expression on a semi-regular basis count?

Oh, please. I put a sewing machine needle through my finger and my ability to point out this woman's clear bullshit was not harmed in the slightest.

I would have cried in happiness. The fist note of that song just GETS me every time.

I doubt he's innocent in all this! After all, he's marrying her. Birds of a feather and all that.

We just read a loooooot of steamy fanfic.

And a follow up: why do men get games as a safe space? Is the inclusion of women truly so painful?

Name one female space that isn't constantly under attack with rape threats, murder threats, and jokes about going back to the kitchen. Hell, this is a feminist blog that you are trolling.

Screw you. I'm a woman who buys big name games AND indie games that star women. I make an effort to choose games that don't exclude me.

Achievement Unlocked: Husband Figured Out Which Side of Iron to Hold

Like any medium, gaming encompasses a vast arena with many different options. I'm currently playing a game about a girl named Violet who ends up in a fantasy world and she must solve puzzles to escape. No death, no mayhem.

"You know very well that feminists will not be satisfied until every masculine space is feminized. "

The story doesn't write itself. People make choices to focus on primarily male-led games. This is not just an oopsie - this is a longstanding bias on the part of game makers.

No way. Male characters dominate the game landscape. If games prioritized female characters over males, then your argument would hold water.

You know what would make us happy? If jerky, rapey assholes would stop raping so we wouldn't have this conversation in the first place.

You know what, go troll somewhere else. You clearly don't care to understand or consider anything past the tips of your own fingers.


Wow, you really nailed me there.

Since you don't get to decide what ruins someone's life, #5 is not hyperbole at all. People commit suicide over rape. People go to therapy for years. I don't even think it covers what some victims face.

Yes, do! It doesn't give all the answers and won't stop the person from being a jerk, but it can help reinforce the fact that you CAN just let it wash off.