Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

How about you call yourself self-confident and awesome? Those are positive descriptors for someone who knows they are imperfect but still knows they deserve happiness and all the good things. :)

Why is it Always About You, by Sandy Hotchkiss! I skipped over the chapters that didn't really apply to the relationship I was addressing, but a lot of the information I read has helped me get along better with the narcissist in my life. I treat the relationship as one that I manage, rather than one I participate in.

The thing about narcissists is that they don't love themselves. They never developed the ability to handle stressors as kids so they basically insulate themselves against any criticism and real personal development. (I read a book about this while trying to deal with the narcissist in my life.)

All I got from your comment was, "I didn't read the article."

Lucy Lawless all the way.

I'm one of those gals with wings, but I love them so, so much.

Dammit, I really need to dig out my Nathan Fillion selfie.

Did anyone find it slightly amusing that it was the Winchester police?

Did you read the article? Many will resort to other procedures that aren't as safe. It's a no-win.

Man, I hear stories like this and all I can do is clench my ladybits real tight because of all those stories I've heard that pool and water sex can give you a lot of health issues.

I can't. A lot of women can't. Let's leave that to a "your mileage may vary."


And Superman has worn underwear inside and outside his clothing.

Why should she wear flats? Because no matter who you are, heels will throw off your balance. Doing a kick or fighting moves in heels is sucktastic at best. Same goes for birkenstocks, if you want to add that to the argument. Won't stay on the foot.

That is super exciting! I really hope you enjoy it. :)

That is no excuse. Heels with that kind of lift are good for about one reason: making legs look "better." Heels are a fashion accessory. There are ways to make actors and actresses appear taller without a heel of that type. Or, if you're Robert Downey Junior, you get a shoe with a lift but it doesn't appear onscreen.

Not so. Lucy has a good 6 inches on Renee. (5'10" to 5'4") Google casual photos of them together.

Nerd moment, but Xena isn't an Amazon. There were certainly different Amazon tribes featured on the show, but Xena was never inducted into Amazon society.

Strength is nice, but if you've ever stood for more than about 20 minutes even in a wedge, it just hurts.

It can be hard to tell with Lucy. She throws a lot of sass.