It is actually not that difficult to just express to someone that you disagree with them without insulting them and getting belligerent and shouty. It is actually something politicians do all the time in response to much nastier confrontations.
It is actually not that difficult to just express to someone that you disagree with them without insulting them and getting belligerent and shouty. It is actually something politicians do all the time in response to much nastier confrontations.
Out of 16 comments ONE sane person. Like what the actual fuck yall?!? Hillary called half the nation “deplorables” and her smug ass lost. Wtf are y’all on!?!? ENDEARING?!?!
Blah blah blah. You lost me at the “Bernie Bro” comment.
I’ve read of these bros and I don’t do any of that shit. I just vote for who I think is the best candidate. And for the record, I supported Clinton when Sanders dropped out in 2016 not because I wanted to, but because I hated Trump more.
So save your cute little…
Claiming that any prominent black person supporting Sanders is “dancing on a stage to amuse and entertain white folks” is fucked up.
Do you think the answer is someone who opposed forced busing and yet, gets a pass only because he was Obama’s VP? Enjoy it when Biden works with the GOP to take YOUR social security, since he seems to have a fetish for cutting it.
So the answer you say is to double down on yet another boring-ass moderate? I honestly think Democrats are going to lose later this year.
I’m going Independent after this election. The Democrat party is going to be dragged kicking and screaming to the woodshed because of their lack of interest in serving anyone other than Wall Street.
He’s a registered democrat. Though, I may not be anymore. I’ve just about had it with these people. In my opinion Sanders has been way too fucking nice.
Holy fucking shit...are these comments for real? It’s endearing? It’s cute? My God...yeah, more toxic masculinity!!! It’s funny! It’s perfect to combat Trump! Awesome, so excited!
“I wish he was younger so he could at least try to get a viable third party started.”
Historically speaking, in the past 40 years no moderate has ever beaten a republican.
Wondered when you’d show up. Know who “doesn’t mean shit to educated black folks?” Racist posters like yourself.
Sorry, but if Biden wins nomination (Looking like it... yuck), or even the presidency, his actions, his words, his motives, his supporters...will increase the odds of creating the same conditions that lead to somebody like Trump taking advantage of. Add in climate change and Americans dying due to our healthcare and…
I guess to be fair it's more that he is interviewing for a job working for us.
Yall got some weird political leanings here.
“The Black Leadership class has betrayed us on all levels, otherwise someone like Elizabeth Warren or Julian Castro and Bernie Sanders would be getting the majority of black support if “black interests” was the criteria.”
Wow, so are we now gonna do to Dr West what we’ve done to Nina Turner? And it’s all being done to promote and justify Joe Biden on the sly? Come on folks!
Matt Gaetz looks like if Ted Kennedy had sex with Ursula from Little Mermaid.