
In one paragraph you complain about the insane price of private insurance, and in the next you’re saying to leave private insurance alone. Which is it? Private insurance needs to be reigned in. Even if it’s kept in a universal coverage system, private insurance desperately needs an overhaul, from the ground up.

A “public option” makes less sense than just going to single payer. It’s amazing that single payer, despite being a system that works successfully (more successfully than America’s private insurance based system) throughout the world already, is constantly attacked as infeasible, but someone can just say they want a

Nice story. And it does seem real, with a perfectly reasonable explanation. Sleep paralysis of the author, leading to hallucinations. Notice the description of the author, freezing up, could not move, blanket weighing down on me, all classical symptoms.

I would definitely vote Warren on that basis alone. 

I know it’s regarding climate change instead of abortion, but I had to send this your way, Esther:

How is it possible that Republicans hammer Hillary Clinton harder over her husband having an affair than Democrats go after Trump for actual rape allegations?

One thing I’ve noticed about a lot of gay icons who are actually gay people- like drag queens or dudes from a Netflix show for instance- is that they don’t actually have the luxury of turning down an offer to be in a music video for, say, one of the highest earning pop stars in the entire world.

Because actual gay

This is really sad. If anyone out there reading this is in crisis, please, I know it seems impossible, but reach out to someone, anyone, before you do anything drastic. 

love too have my employment be a trick played on me by a rich child who will never have to work a real job in their entire life

“Why should I be for welfare?” - Jodi’s mom

1) “Enters the workplace in her first post-college job in tech” - Oh gawd, what did Jodie ever do to them? Why would they make her suffer that hellscape?

JODIE!!! She was literally the best. She was me in school. I loved her so much. I’m glad she’s the one who is getting a new series. 

Yeah, don’t forget the ‘consulting’ gigs for the Koch brothers, the sinecures in conservative ‘think tanks’. She won’t find work, but she’ll be amply rewarded.

SHS debased herself constantly in the Pressers, she looked like a sociopathic fool and a sycophant for the administration. She blatantly lied (poorly) and helped fuel the anti-Media fetishism on the Right that led to package bombs to news anchors she called out. Sara regurgitated Trump’s lies and existed as a

Landlords, slumlords =/= people who build and make shit

They didn’t build shit, but ok.

Go fuck yourself

Until we roll out the guillotines I’ll have to accept these kinds of stories to keep me warm at night.