
Very practical, indeed.

Always make the most interesting decision.  

OMG that Tati stuff. I watched the whole video and about 8 million of the response videos. I don’t even really watch Beauty youtubers, I just like drama. 

I made it through another week in the land of winding-down WTFery! I successfully had a Fuck It Friday! I left two and a half hours early yesterday with the full blessing of the local managers. They were practically hovering at my desk asking me if I was close to being done with a certain task because I was going to

I recently had a conversation with someone regarding Meghan’s post partum shape and even I had to admit that before I had my son 24 years ago, I didn’t know about the uterus needing time to contract back to shape and looking pregnant still for quite awhile afterwards. I can thank a very mediocre sex ed/health class

“People will never forget the way you made them feel.”

I’ve found myself feeling depressed about the situation in GA this week. I’m with someone and we’re thinking seriously about trying to start a family, which is daunting enough since I’m nearing 40 and am scared of fertility issues, but the thought of what happens now if something goes wrong is terrifying.

“What other people think about you is none of your business.”

Yep! Yep! Yep! On all points. Add Alabama to that list. 

I’ve had it with men this week. These abortion policies in Georgia and Ohio are making my blood boil. Ugh. 

“and they say no one works harder than that woman”

I hope she pays people really really well then. Sometimes executives/rich people just have an expectation that people should be working as hard as they are, without thinking about the fact that they are probably making 1/1000 (if that) of their pay.

Posting fake deep quotes and heavily photoshopped pictures on IG? Sounds about right. She’s like every other IG poet, photoshopping themselves to hell and back until they are unrecognizable. All that’s missing is the flat tummy tea sponcon. 

I actually don’t think she’s that dumb. I think she’s just anxious and talks slowly. Certainly she’s no dumber than Brittany and Jax, who constantly have to ask producers what words mean during their talking heads. 

Shelter Cat Update!

It’s your Weekly Achievement/Good Deeds Thread! What awesome thing(s) or deed(d) did you get up to this week (or in the past two weeks as I missed last week’s SNS)? Let us know so we can celebrate you!

Here’s me this week enjoying a nice walk through the countryside as one does, going about my business, getting off the beaten track, following a few public rights of way (PROWs). Enjoy getting out and seeing the various animals people keep around in the part of Devon I decided to go and explore.

A voice of Winnie the Pooh. Not the voice. If anyone gets the honor of the definite article, it’s Sterling Holloway.

The love of my life passed away Wednesday.  There wasn’t any warning or sickness or anything.  He kissed me goodbye, left for work, and passed away from a heart attack. My heart is broken. We were together for seven years and had a fairytale kind of love.  We literally never once had a fight, ever.  He did everything