
It’s because of the plastic surgery. It “hardens” up the face because you’re usually getting your features thinned. (She sure did.) Since most people’s features naturally harden and look sharper by their late twenties/early thirties as we lose fat and collagen we associate that trait with someone older, not a 21 year

“This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics

Well, he’s right about one thing, this is a complete sham.  But just not for the reasons he thinks.  

Lindsey Graham would be much prettier if he smiled more.

You’re right, assaults cannot really be dealt with unless a victim is willing to report. However, we should be putting pressure on people (let’s not kid ourselves, I mostly mean men) in positions of power to create a system in which victims feel safe coming forward. Because whatever this is, it’s not that.

This made me cry. Thank you for writing it. I’m just shaking with fury, grief, desolation, then fury again. This is not right. I can’t even type my story. I can’t imagine if he was up for Judge on the supreme court and I had to do this. I do not think I could. This is just so fucked up.

What a disaster.

This dude really likes beer, apparently.

He’s SUPER good at being told “no,” too.  This much is clear.

Compelling evidence that he’s definitely not a belligerent drunk amirite?

Right now, the man the GOP has nominated for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is shrieking about shadow conspiracies and retribution. Just a model of sober-minded jurisprudence on display. 

Patton is with us.

He’s my favorite lesbian in the Senate.

Can someone please explain to me how the extremely numerous religious “homosexuality is a sin!” conservative voters of SC are apparently completely oblivious to the fact that Lindsay Graham is very gay?

FiveThirtyEight pointed out on Twitter earlier today that Republicans have never appointed a woman to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Not one. Ever. Only Dems.

Go ahead, conservatives. Find a bunch of highly-credible and professionally-successful women willing to accuse democratic SCOTUS nominees of sexual assault.

I was rear-ended on the freeway several years ago and for a long time after that getting on the freeway terrified me. But I still did it because I didn’t have any other way to get to work. Does that make me a liar?

Also, as someone who is terrified of flying but also likes to travel and visits my family who live on the other side of the country multiple times of year...the idea that people who are afraid of flying would never willingly travel by plane is so absurd that it makes my brain melt.

Look, if someone doesn’t like to fly when they don’t have to, but can overcome their fear of flying when necessary, then there’s no way they were sexually assaulted as a teenager. That’s just science.