
If you don’t like planned obsolescence, then maybe stick with Apple. Your 7 is still going to get updates and official support for, at least, 3 more years, whereas Android phones last two years at the most.

you’re not funny

because ios.


I found this headline to be much more trashy and manipulative than a typical Jezebel headline, and was sincerely surprised. Titles like this are why I refuse to read BuzzFeed. So far all my comments have been approved, so if this one isn’t at least we know why.

My grandmother’s name is Hazel. Ya’ll waaay late.

Goddamn, the salt

I was still on Facebook when “The Help” came out, and I was pretty interested in watching it, but then on my timeline, I started seeing who loved it and it became a big nope for me. When I started seeing all the posts of “You is kind, you is smart, you is impo’tint” from all the live-love-laugh crowd, I double dog

Sure he does. George KFC Bucket.

Two days after Donald Trump claimed that he “lost hundreds of friends” at the World Trade Center as a result of the 9/11 attack, his campaign continued to ignore a Daily Beast request that he name even one.

God...he’s such an orange piece of shit. It absolutely boggles my mind how the “hardcore base Americans” think he’s great, even while he pulls shit like this which is so so SO obviously anti-american.

On Saturday, I went to see Neko Case. There were a larger number of Children than one normally sees at a bar show. One of these was a girl of about eleven or twelve. Case’s opening act was Thao Nguyen (Thao of The Get Down Stay Down). She is a very awesome rocker who spits, snarls and howls while accompanying

Blonde? Not even subtle. Osaka is as blonde as Williams.

I remember Mary Kate Olsen maybe? getting blamed for Heath Ledger’s death. 

Also this cartoon wouldn’t have been made about a man or a white woman.

The people who like to accuse women of being a ball and chain, of leaving men whipped, of being ball-busters...are usually the same ones who in the same breath will accuse women of not doing enough to care for or protect men. Same misogyny, different applications. 

I’ve been following this story for a while because I don’t understand how men in Hollywood can fully support pedophiles, but ice the women for speaking out against said pedophiles. I read Brown’s response and thought it came across spitefull and condescending.

what’s up with the “my dear”? seems a bit patronizing

Fuck yes Miss Michigan! Sadly she’s not just referring to Flint; lots of schools in the Detroit area can not offer drinking water because they have such a high level of lead and other contaminants. Meanwhile Michigan is selling fresh water to several bottled water companies for dirt cheap rates.