
Rihanna didn’t even shave her eyebrows off and draw them back pencil thin!!!

The makeup artist “erased” them with foundation, drew the pencil brows on, and they photoshopped out the texture of the brow hairs in post production. I pity the fools who do this IRL.

God, I really just hate this shit. There is nothing about this brand of feminist marketing that makes me feel anything other than empty, especially not when I’ve spent all weekend having to confront the misogyny exhibited by members of my own family. The juxtaposition is just—I still do not feel inherently empowered

My eyebrows are the source of my power, and I refuse. 

Basic Bitch Home Decorating Tips 101. Pinterest is awash in this shit. “Live laugh love” is just the most ubiquitous but the whole Inspirational Quote industry is out of control. 

Fuck no.  Next question.  

I was in high school and college in the 90s and goddammit I am not doing this again!

When we were househunting a couple years ago literally every house had a Live Laugh Love somewhere in it. Wall vinyl or fancy frames or throw pillows or something. We had to razor it off the house we bought. Is this some kind of Realtor staging tactic? Can’t be true for every single house....

Hard pass.

My eyebrows are perfectly shaped forehead forests. Always were, always will be. My grandmother, a 1930s Hollywood chorus girl (true) told me when I was a little girl that I had perfect eyebrows and though it was acceptable to clean up and shape them, I must never, never (never!) overpluck or shave them. (True. I was

i can barely be bothered to shave my arm pits

FUCK NO. My eyebrows were thick before they were in and they are going to stay that way. I pluck what have to to keep them neat. That is it. That will always be it. I have VERY Strong Feelings on this matter. End of Rant.

Remember, kids: unless you have the face and charisma of Marlene Dietrich and/or Rihanna, shaved and drawn-on eyebrows are a TERRIBLE IDEA. I mean, they’re a bad idea even for Rihanna and Dietrich, who both look better with their natural eyebrows. Sure, it looks cool in editorial shoots and the Blue Angel, but not in

Maybe if women stopped buying shit that’s pink and marketed specifically to us, it would no longer exist?

Kourtney isn’t some plastic surgery freak. She seems to have let her body heal after each pregnancy and didn’t feel the need to pump her ass up to a ridiculous measure. She also seems the least fame hungry.

She’s also pretty close to Kim’s old face, so I bet a lot of that is self loathing.

I also don’t get the obsession this family has with everyone having to run their own business? And be a parent of multiples kids while choosing fathers that are generally pretty unstable in one way or the other.

Company With Unsustainable Business Plan Unable To Sustain Business As Planned 

Who still watches/cares? 

The vandalism might actually qualify as a hate crime or an act of intimidation, given who and what the sign commemorated.

What are the laws about unlawful discharge of a firearm? I would put cameras and get these fuckers in jail.