Kind of amazing that the right demonizes objectively great places to live like Europe and California or urban centers in general. Who needs high standards of living and healthcare when you got freedom and guns, i guess.
Kind of amazing that the right demonizes objectively great places to live like Europe and California or urban centers in general. Who needs high standards of living and healthcare when you got freedom and guns, i guess.
Following WWII, Europe decided to look after each other. The US suddenly gained a huge economic advantage over the war torn countries of the world and the agreed upon Bretton Woods System of economics was designed to benefit Western powers/countries who more readily accepted capitalism. Because we were fighting the…
No-holds-barred fuck-you-I-got-mine capitalism for you and me and financial socialism for the rich, is how.
Any vintage lovers here tonight? I have an Etsy shop (actually a lot of commenters here helped a bunch when I first started out so I feel like I owe them a debt of gratitude - if you’re still here!) and yesterday I got a random Instagram message from someone inviting me to shop their mother’s collection of couture…
One of my coworkers told me she won’t try bacon due to religious reasons.
I, on the other hand, refuse to try religion due to bacon reasons.
Exactly this. Many people have absolutely no concept of how speeds that might feel slow in a car are actually pretty darn fast in terms of human locomotion.
Don’t even with that argument. They might not have been into the Sex Pistols, but they were into Joy Division or Monty Python. Or the Young Ones. With youth, there has always been a sense of rebellion...against their parents, the establishment. This went on for many generations.
In my day we’d perambulate the horseless buggy while banging the hottest Duke Ellington track. Some things will never change
You speak of the before times. In the long-long ago.
and when you did ghost ride, you didn’t do it with your car, you did it with your whip....
I’m old enough to remember when this was called Ghost Riding.
And we wonder why we’re in the Trump era. Giant masses of people are idiotic sheep willing to eat up any shit, even if it has no depth to it. ESPECIALLY if it has no depth to it. We’re fucked.
LONG story, but I’m bored at work.
I’m 33, and I know way too many people who actually like the Kardashians, including people that seem like rational, critical thinking humans. It makes me angrier than I should be about something like celebrities, but I can’t help it, because I can see all the damage that family is doing to the way people think about…
Mazel to these crazy kids, but:
I think the thing isn’t so much whether it’s possible to be instantly in love; the question is whether you’re suited to a life with the person. There are a lot of people who are desperately in love with each other and just can’t make it work, and the sorts of issues they have don’t always come out in a week, or a…
Hollywood is all about trends. I guess the quick engagement is very on trend in 2018.
Fired!? They should be charged with manslaughter if it can be proved their negligence led to her death.
Crystle Galloway, were told they couldn’t afford the ambulance ride because they didn’t have insurance.