lilac m

The Vampire Diaries should be careful. While it is still a good show, I feel like now this could overpower it. For all of the reasons you mentioned above and the fact there's no love triangle( YES.) and that Cami & Rebekah are both much powerful, strong and likeable than Elena.

haha it's just annoying, he's the only one who the writers let do anything ! I'm sick of dead people coming back on this show, but why can't CAROLINE do something about Bonnie ? why does it have to be Damon? I think he's being incredibly dumb…. whyyyy would you work with a self-proclaimed psychopath ?! He's obviously

Anyone else notice how STUPID Damon is being ? working with stupid SILAS! But then again, he does something stupid like working with the bad guy every. season. SO sick of this show being all about Damon.

I severly dislike Elena. I actually liked her in season 1 and 2, but then she became a victim, helpless, self-absorbed, rude and only defined in terms of her relationship with Damon & Stefan.

I can comment about whatever I want, it's my opinion. Anyways, Elena's a fictional character.. it's the writer's fault for portaying her that way.

the writers never let Elena do ANYTHING. Everything happens to her & she never really does anything active, which is why she sucks as a heroine. The writers would never have their " precious innocent" Elena kill Katherine because she's too " compassionate."

woah didnt even read this properly. I thought it was rude, but Damon should never ever abuse Elena.

I don't know .. It was just bugging me in this episode.

Definitely wasn't just the hunger.. It was before and after that too. She does this odd scrunched up face thing.

LOL ew… Totally did not need that image

The writers cant seem to balance Elena. Either she's not exploring her relationship at all and only focusing on everything else or she's whining about a Salvatore.

Also one more thing : Why don't they explore Elena and Damon's RELATIONSHIP more ? When she was with Stefan they managed to actually develop as a couple and we actually saw them in ACT like a couple, even through all of the craziness. All Damon and Elena have done so far that we've seen is have sex.

Nadia and Katherine though.. love it ! probably the most interesting storyline.

Also what was up with Nina Dobrev's acting tonight ? she's usually fantastic but she was making really weird faces as Katherine. It was bothering me.

The only storyline i have absolutely no interest in is this Dr. Westmaxfield or whatever. Yawn and Aaron is boring . It was interesting in the first episode but now it's just dull. I guess everything Elena touches turns dull. I thought the rest of the episode was good and I'm going to have to stop reading spoilers/

Yeah we obviously have different opinions so we should end the debate haha.:)

Funny thing is your doing the exact same thing with stefan- youre picking on things he did while his humanity off. Unlike Elena though, Stefan was compelled to turn his humanity off and has an addiction that makes it almost impossible for him to stop. Damon forced her to turn her humanity off ,yes, but after that she

Oh and Elena HAD threatened to kill someone stefan loves-Caroline.

She was attracted to Damon when she first met him. LOL. Anyways, I said EMOTIONALLY cheating, which she did in season 4. Your actin as if Elena has never killed anyone innocent who also had loved ones as well as well. All I'm saying is that the main cause of their break up WAS her falling for Damon. Then comes both

Oh god, this show in season 2 was AMAZING- like beyond amazing. I don't think there was one bad episode that I could think of that season. I wish wish this show could go back to that magic. I mean I still enjoy it, but season 2? definitely A+++++.