lilac m

Obviously it was wrong, I'm not saying it isn't but Elena definitely isn't " little miss innocent" here. Add that to the fact that Stefan only did it to save both of their lives. He didn't WANT to do any of that to her but it was the only way to save both of their lives. She does bear the majority of the

Stefan DID say to Damon that he did it to save their lives- did you miss that part ? I agree it was weird that she was making him out to be a perfect angel, but I don't think her taking all the blame for their relationship failure was her fault was something wrong. It shows maturity. Especially when the majority of

Um. Elena did her fair share of being a jerk to both Damon and Stefan in season 4. She has put them both through emotional hell and is an extremely self-centered character. He threatened to run her off the bridge to save her life ? He wanted the hybrids out of MF to protect Damon and Elena and that was the only way

Well, when shes screwing his brother( which she has yet to tell him) , I think she should take all the blame. She's done her fair share of being a jerk to both Stefan and Damon in season 4 and alsso putting them both through emotional hell . He threatened to run her offf the bridge to SAVE HER LIFE. He wanted the

** put him through. She also emotionally cheated on him.

It definitely as just Elena or Stefan. They were both responsible. They grew apart and fell out of love. Elena WAS turned off by ripper stefan and stefan was turned off by vampire Elena. I liked that Elena took responsibility for it because the mature thing to do IS take your responsibility for why your relationship

Also, I wonder if Stefan will EVER get his memories back ! Seems like next week they're focusing on Bonnie's death.

Really ?! I thought this episode was amazing. I was really annoyed with Elena though. Why do that to Stefan ? It was really unfair to him. Yeah i think Stefan was just mad because he thought he was supposed to trust Damon and Elena only to find out what they did for him. I think he thought he had no one until Caroline

I enjoyed this episode. One commenter state that, maybe the whole purpose of this new plot with Stefan and Elena is to END the love triangle for a while. Maybe this is paving the way for Stefan to finally move on and be free of the devil Elena?