lilac m

Nah…it's boring. She was acting like a 14 year old girl.

I like Stefan and Katherine, but the thing is Katherine ishould NOT be obsessing about him. It came off like desperation and it was gross. Katherine Pierce does not stoop that low. She was literally acting like Elena. Also , her only goal of being in a relationship with Stefan ? BORING. The show needs a new

the Elena/ Damon/ Stefan one was enough.

WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO KATHERINE. The way she was only obsessing about Stefan was gross and boring. I like the idea of her in a relationship with him, but Katherine is much more than that She was literally everything I hated about Elena in this episode. ANd CAROLINE. The girl needs a storyline that has NOTHING to do

I don't think that was it's goal, considering that the Originals are the main characters and we know right from the start that they're never going to die even just because of that.

to be fair, Klaus was also hurt in this episode and it's not like Hayley actually agreed to the marriage or anything and she made it clear that she was unhappy about it . Arranged marriages aren't always forced.

She said she wants to be on the winn ing side, meaning she knows the vampires are stronger and knows that Klaus can get what he wants.

Spot on and great review ! My only complaint about the episode was Rebekah. Poor girl can NEVER get a break. Hell, even Elijah chose to save Hayley and her friend over her, and she's constantly loyal to the men in her life. This could bring some new emotions for Elijah, so I'm happy about that, but I want Rebekah to

I prefer Katherine and Matt as friends. Their dynamic isn't nearly as interesting as Stefan and Katherine's and that's mostly because Matt's a boring character.

Hmm interesting ! Wonder how he's going to react when he finds out what Kat did .

Yep he has ! He and Caroline wre adorable. Seriously wish they would give him more to do than be the wise man/ friend though. He's basically becoming Caroline.

I wonder how Elena is going to forgive Damon for killing Aaron. Also I found it kind of sad that Stefan wasn't the least but sad that Katherine died. Found it unrealistic.

Yeah and I love that Katherine said it shouldn't be Elena's responsibility to babysit Damon and make sure he says in check. He's not a child.

Yeah since when is Stefan not able to prevent Damon from doing something ? It's been happening ever since damon forced Elena to shut off her emotions and Stefan just stood there idly by.

Also loved that it addressed slut shaming. Caroline gets some of the best stories.

Loved this episode ! although I do find the Katherine in Elena's body plot tired. They've done it too many times. Also stefan, Caroline and Katherine continue to be the best while Damon continues to be the WORST. Stefan and Caroline are what made this episode for me.

I don't think it was calm at all. He was shaming her and yelling at her.but I do agree he ha the right to be upset.

Anyone else think Katherine's going to
Swap bodies so the audience will realize that Stefan loves her for her and not because she looks like Elena and to prove they're not together just because of the doppelgänger bond?

Well they haven't really brought that up in regards to Katherine and Stefan. They should though! they'll need to be a way for them to prove that their love is 100% their choice. Ugh the doppelgänger bond is so stupid. And meh, I think they make good partners in crime and they're funny together but they have no

Well when shows say that two characters are going to end up together because of destiny that usually means they're NOT going to end up together:p I actually prefer her with Stefan , they're more mature and have a interesting relationship and balance each other out well . Plus Paul and Nina's chemistry> Nina and Ian's.