
Yes but in the US the vast majority change their names and those expectations are pretty strong and women who don’t change it face questions and scrutiny and maybe even disapproval and/or pressure from their family, or their husband’s. Society still views it as “weird” if an entire family doesn’t have the same last

Agree except I wouldn’t worry about your great grandkids. I assume they would just keep one of their hyphenated last names (not necessarily the paternal one - maybe the one that sounds best combined with one of their spouse’s hyphenated names?) if they got married and decided to combine names with their spouse or

No, because the practice of taking the husband’s name hasn’t changed, the expectation is still there that women are the ones who will do it and men taking their wife’s name is rare to the point of being negligible as a phenomenon. Marriage has changed - you’re no longer expected to be a virgin and stop working the

lol, tough with trust issues describes me pretty well too but I still don’t like t when yet make them into the same one dimensional character on tv.

You don’t begrudge her being found? Really? You just asked about the dog and then wrote about how she’s only ok and got found that quickly because she’s white and has a rich mom. I care about animals too and the bigger issue of mentally ill people being abused by police but you didn’t even say one word about the story

Religious marriage maybe, that's full of sexist crap in most religions, like the expectation that women be virgins. Legal/civil marriage has evolved and in most countries no longer has any of those sexist trappings, neither do divorce laws (like how in some countries adultery was defined as something only women would


Kalinda was annoying from the very beginning. She’s the stereotypical, one-dimensional “tough chick with trust issues”, like an even worse version of Faith (from Buffy).

Yeah she should have died, right? Or at least been raped and kidnapped. That would serve her right for being white with a rich and famous parent. Right?

Word. I live on soups all winter. I’ll usually make a big one on Sundays and eat it throughout the week whenever I’m too lazy or tired to make anything else, and to take to work for lunch. And in summer there is always a giant mason jar of homemade gazpacho in the fridge and another in the fridge at work. It’s the

Duuuude, why did you even divorce him? ;)

Of course you have ownership of the name you’re born with. But just because the name you were born with was given to you because of a sexist tradition that says children must have their fathers’ last names, doesn’t mean that name is any less yours once you grow up and live with it, and it doesn’t mean that when you

Yup. That’s basically the norm in Spain and most of Latin America, not just Mexico. It’s what I have, I grew up with both last names and my mom goes by her maiden name followed by my dad’s last name. Also, in a lot of the Spanish speaking world, most married women go by their own last name followed by their married

And I totally respect that.

I know, me too.

I don’t see it as empowering when a man takes his wife’s name. At least it’s not rooted in the same kind of bullshit sexist tradition as women changing their names is but I still don’t understand why one half of the couple needs to change their name to their other half’s. It just seems silly and unnecessary.

Why do you even have to hyphenate? Can’t you both just keep your last names? That way, he doesn’t get teased by the boys and you don’t have to bow to sexist traditions...

Even if a woman agrees to it, why is it always the wife that takes the husband’s name? Even if a woman agrees to do it because she wants to, it’s still a sexist tradition. Just one that a woman is choosing to do. And don’t get me wrong, it’s every woman’s choice. Just be honest and admit you’re choosing to follow a

Yeah that’s my point. If it weren’t a stupid tradition that robbed a partner of their identity or assumed it was less worthy than one half of the couple’s, more men would be on board with it. But they’re not. Big surprise.

But if you don’t like your last name, why not change it to something you like when you turn 18 or you’re old enough to afford it? Why wait until you get married and take another man’s name rather than sorting out your identity for yourself?