like 'hyacinth' and 'Piccadilly' and 'onyx'

The song was written by a couple of mega-losers named Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. They have managed to scrape by despite having written or co-written the songs for Avenue Q, The Book of Mormon, Frozen and Coco. Their only glimmer of respectability is that they haven’t won a Golden Globe.

I really would love to see the details of a trust set up in the names of people who do not exist. Who pays taxes on that, exactly?

So happy that Kathryn Hahn’s blowing up in this way—she’s an amazing actress who is consistently the best thing about her projects and deserves all of this success!

I may have my “unsettlingly charming red-state couple who do home renovations on TV” misremembered, but aren’t these also the folks who almost exclusively do renos for people from their church? Like, I’m sure they’re nice enough but that kind of self-dealing never sits right with me.

The most fascinating thing about them is that they’re objectively bad at what they do, but the masses lap it up.


Yeah, that was my thought, too. That and the line about testosterone not being inherently male, because women can produce it, too. While this is technically true, being born with testes that primarily pump out testosterone vs. the generally very small amounts produced by ovaries, is not the same thing. I feel like

Per the GOP plan, Texas Gov. Abbott is trying to kill off as many people as he can before too many are vaccinated.

And it might have done just that. However, with bars and restaurants at 100% for St. Paddy’s day, be watching the Texas numbers around the end of the month. 

Meanwhile in Canada

It is interesting that multiple people go “Human Smuggling” and the response is ‘meh, maybe’. I bring up another illegal activity and am held to the fire.

Well, I think we can all agree that when Texas rejects federal recommendations and decides to go its own way, nothing but good happens.

That is a remarkably stupid idea.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What the fuck?

I’d go ahead and schedule the hearing but then cancel it the day before.

They should really go all in. Apparently “Baldwin” roughly meant “brave friend” in the early Middle Ages, so they should become Alejandro y Hilaria Amigovaliente. Since Hilaria’s maiden name was Thomas, and given Spanish surname structure, the children would be the Amigovaliente Tomás clan.

FYI, Ireland just changed her name to Irlanda. 

I tuned in for about 3 minutes. Right when Amy was introducing a cringe worthy sketch with Maya Rudolph and Kenan Thompson (all of whom I love and worship as comedy sketch players). It was so bad that Amy knew it while it was going on and I could almost read her mind. That was it.

I made it through about 20 minutes before I gave up. And I’m an awards ceremony nerd and can sit through hours of these things. It was sad and disjointed and not funny or moving or glitzy at all. Dresses on Zoom is no substitute for the red carpet.