ABC really owes us for Stumptown. What a great show. ... and BTW, shouldn’t they own up to their mistakes by recognizing a Happy Endings re-boot would be a smash given how many people have discovered it since cancelation?!
ABC really owes us for Stumptown. What a great show. ... and BTW, shouldn’t they own up to their mistakes by recognizing a Happy Endings re-boot would be a smash given how many people have discovered it since cancelation?!
That type of skit, especially as it’s just the performer and Kate, is a huge ask of a host and I was surprised they gave it to Jonas. Who was not up to it.
While it’s small scale, intimacy and detail make it a great film they also make it highly unlikely to gain any academy recognition.
While I’m sure that the day will come where a film about #metoo and Hollywood will land a bunch of Oscars. It will be a Hollywood movie with a scene where the assistant stands up to the…
Yes, it was ripe for this treatment. Can you imagine putting one of those mirrors in your bedroom? What if it glitched and came on in the middle of the night? I am not OK with the internet of things.
I don’t understand why people think just because they’re doing something remotely they don’t have to show any respect to the task at hand. I had a client call me this week for 45 minutes while he was also teaching a high school class. You should be suspended for that kind of brazen carelessness.
An arrogant medic wrapped up in their own self importance...hope the patient’s ok!
Approximately eight gajillion years ago, my wife and I tripped over an amazing show on the International Channel. It was a Japanese miniseries, a crime drama called “Kira Kira Hikaru” (“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”). Four women, Japanese pop crooners, starred as characters in and around the coroner’s office in…
At this point I almost don’t give a shit about their radicalization. I know I should because dangerous and the horrific clusterfuck that is the prison system and all, but honestly; this reminds me of when I would watch shows like Sons of Anarchy and the protagonists would do heinous illegal shit but just throw fits…
Would I be too much of a bastard to insist that in this case any necessary online transactions that technically can be done over the phone must be done over the phone?
I wouldn't trust these morons to talk to a fire hydrant, let alone a bunch of kids.
Everyone I know who voted for Trump was disillusioned with him almost a year ago when they saw his ‘leadership’ in a global crisis. My guess is most of these people have wanted a violent outlet ever since they saw a Black man in the White House, it wasn’t just Trump or alt-right politics, it was the permission to…
Somehow she looks more attractive now than she did then and she was smoking hot then. This trend of women dying their hair red started with her. They all secretly want to look as fine as Dana Scully.
This. I voted for Barack Obama twice. If he or Michelle told me to go torch a pregnancy crisis center, I still wouldn’t do it. I’m smart enough to know Barack doesn’t give a shit about me if I get arrested committing crimes in his name.
Even if it were true, “disillusioned with Trump” doesn’t mean shit. If you were so balls-out dumbfuck stupid/racist/evil as to be suckered into sedition by Trump in the first place, guess what? You’re going to be easy game for the next senile cult leader who comes along. Maybe prison is the safest place.
A bunch of white people who think you can get away with felonies by saying sorry are confused as to what constitutes white privilege.
Whelp, they can be just as sorry in jail. Fine by me. Then let’s see them navigate the life of an ex-felon what with losing their right to vote, struggling to find a job, or a place to live.
this slide show needs to chart her wardrobe against the pregnancies though out the series....big coat = baby, small coat = no baby
I have to say, she always looked a bit older than she was. I was kinda blown away when I learned she was only 24 at the start of X-Files.
That’s QUITE an opinion you got there.