like 'hyacinth' and 'Piccadilly' and 'onyx'

Probably minority opinion: The nepo baby issue is overrated. The last name gets you the interview, you get yourself the job. And she’s absolutely right that the expectations are higher.

This is Middle Schooler level. Maybe it’s the assignment for the students in Summer School.

The quality of writing and basic lack of professionalism and self respect by the writers here is almost literally unbelievable.

Before *they’re ready.

Although I had some issues with The Great, it did - in its extravagance - put the lie to the idea that the nobility were, how did you put it? Genteel. They were typically stupid, stinky, crass and just generally vile assholes. Kings were strongmen, killers, with the largest army. There is nothing admirable about them.

Ah, hate to break it to you, but Hanks is actually nice. He repairs typewriters and has such an extensive collection he donates models he fixes but already has to typewriter shops. He regularly donates machines to the typewriter shop in Cambridge, MA. Of course, it’s a little easier to sell a typewriter if you can say

This trailer looks a lot of feel-good shlok. But then that’s Hank’s brand.

Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies. 

Yeah! I noticed it in a shot where he kneels down to pet the cat (er, flerkin), and when he stands up from kneeling, he just did it in a way that clearly looked like an old person standing up, not a younger person.

That, to me, was the biggest issue with SLJ’s de-aging in Captain Marvel, especially when he ran.

Yes. 100% emphatically yes.

Zemeckis seems to be the king of making movies with technology that isn’t quite ready, just ready enough to freak us all the fuck out.  I’d say this is only in the last 20 years or so but he really always has been this guy, it’s just worked out better on his older stuff.

I can just imagine the exhaustion felt by every person you’ve cornered at a bar or party and lectured on your self-important opinions

I remember everything I need to remember about this show:

Yeah, I don’t get what the “industry plant” criticism means. It seems to imagine that there’s some way in the treasured past that we used to fairly and objectively decide who gets to become a famous musician, but now that process that been sullied by capitalism.

I mean she’s on a major label, what you call being an “industry plant” is just the label doing it’s only job

He’s literally just mad that young audiences don’t connect with his material, so he has to fabricate a reason why that isn’t his comedy sucking.

Jerry was a leader in late 90s ‘gay panic’ jokes.

I just...don’t know what the fuck Seinfeld is on about. Dude never was in any danger of being too fucking edgy, blue, or controversial. I’ve not seen a single thing that approaches even the tamer parts of a Bill Burr or Patton Oswalt show.

I think one of the main ways she hammers this home is how she paid for an additional “photography” package, because she figured she’d be taking video the whole time and wanted someone else to ensure there were some nice photos of her experience. But then when she got there she saw that all the photographers seemed to